Fitness Lifestyle

Oct 05 2012.

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Fitness and wellbeing isn’t as much as a target that is to be achieved as it is a journey that needs be undertaken and continued all through life. Among the few statements that can be made with absolute certainty is the statement; no form regardless how great will endure long without maintenance.
Bad eating habits and lack of exercise will make quick work of rock hard abs and insane levels of stamina. Take for example the many greats of yesteryear who hide their former glory beneath layers of fat and sagging flesh. Aging is inevitable but losing your great physique and levels of fitness before it’s due is a choice you make. 
The most common excuse for being out of shape is the lack of time. True enough balancing work with valuable minutes in the gym is hard to do but it really isn’t that hard to stay in shape if it’s important enough for you.
At this point we come back to fitness being a lifestyle not a mission, gladly trade away three months of intense exercise for a lifetime of moderate intensity workouts, persistence really is the key and simple lifestyle tweaks can make a world of a difference in your wellbeing.
Make Time
Time is money but in a way time is also life and it’s up to you to decide which higher priority. Having established that hours are wasted in all of our lives watching TV or engaging in a similar unimportant task it’s also important to bring in the element of time management for practicality’s sake.
A simple workout can be sneaked into any part of your day, a simple Google search will tell you that much. From taking a walk instead of a bus, to doing crunches on your office chair the possibilities are endless. The important thing is to make the commitment to continuously strive towards making your day a more active one.

Love It


Nothing you do against your will is a sustainable one. From dead end jobs to uninteresting educational programmes, human nature is such that tolerance isn’t one of our strong suites.
SO if you’re just forcing yourself to get in shape to impress the girl next door, you’re probably going to give up on it once you get lucky or more likely when she moves out. Fitness should be a driving passion, one that involves commitment and an active interest on your part, to better yourself for yourself.



As confident as you may be in your knowledge about physical training it’s important to get a little instruction when you’re starting out after a long time.
Those tips and tricks you’ve learned from in your college years are likely to be outdated and even more likely to be too demanding for your body now.
It’s important to get correct guidance from a professional atleast until you’re in moderately good shape and able to figure out your own schedules and workload.

Don’t Be Stingy
Spending unnecessarily on supplements and other gimmicks is a fool’s errand, most supplement companies make a fortune promising unattainable results to people like you who aren’t willing to take the longer safer route to success.
However a good investment on proper attire and shoes won’t go to waste, especially in keeping you safe during your exercise routines.
Buy a good pair of shoes and wear a protector if you have any sore joints, spend a little on a multi vitamin and good food anything else is an extra expenditure that is your choice to make.

Be Competitive
Nothing was ever achieved by being complacent, always try to improve yourself and move beyond your current state.
There really isn’t a better way to develop yourself than to compete. Whether it’s a game of basketball or the weight you lift and the distance you run, always compete either with yourself or preferably with a partner.

Vacations Are Workouts
Working out is as relaxing as any other activity you may undertake on a vacation and is clearly better than the late nights you’re so fond of.
Take a little time out when you’re on vacation to check out the gym at the hotel you’re staying in and don’t be shy to try out their treadmill. 

Eat Right And Be Consistent
These two go hand in hand. Eating right and being consistent are both long term practices, and ones that require a great deal of commitment.
It’s not about eating those green leaves today, it’s actually about cutting down on those fried foods for the rest of your life. 



By Dilshan Senaratne



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