Finding a sire for your female dog

Feb 22 2013.

views 1587


Last week we spoke to you about how to figure out if your female dog is in heat. This Week Dr. V. A Ching speaks about finding a suitable sire for your bitch as well as taking care of the bitch when you decide to have her crossed.


Taking care of the female dog

When in heat the attention should be paid to the animal more closely to ensure that she is well fed and kept clean.


Finding a Sire

Option 1: Contact a friend or associate who has a similar breed of dog.

Option 2: Contact your vet. He/she will be able to put you in touch with dog owner who visit him/her regularly.


When to schedule a breeding

It is best to get the sire to mate with the bitch on the 9th/11th or 12th day since you begin to mark the bleeding of the vulva.


How to identify a good sire

Dog should be healthy- This can be done by checking the dog’s medical history.

Check the animal for a healthy coat of fur free of parasites, fungus and mange.

The dog’s temperament is vital. If the dog has a bad temperament the mating will be unsuccessful. This applies to the female as well.


An issue that might arise when dealing with gig dogs is that they might not be able to mount the female dog because of problems in their joint caused by birth which makes it unable for them to walk on their hind legs.



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