Facts to consider when purchasing a new dog

Feb 01 2013.

views 1432


Whenever a family is getting a new dog there is a sense of excitement and eagerness to welcome the family’s fury new friend. 5 months down the line, most family tend to ignore the pup and expect it fend for itself. – NOT GOOD


First things first. When purchasing a puppy you will have to consider if you want;


A Big Dog – Labrador, Dobberman, Great Dane, German Shepherd

A Small Dog – Pomeranian . Pug,

A dog with less fur – dachshund, boxer

A dog with Good temperament – Golden Retriever, beagle



How will your dog react to children?


If you have a new born baby that would not be the best of time to get a dog, either the baby or the dog will be neglected and in common cases it is the latter.

If you have children between the ages of 5 – 10 you are better off getting a dog with good temperament in order to avoid unwanted injuries to your kids. Labradors are extremely child friendly and can be quite fun to have around provided you train them proper.


Will you have time to tend to your dogs needs?


This refers to you being able to:

 Ensure that your dog has his meals on time

Have regular exercise ( A caged dog is an angry dog)

Go through every inch of the dog’s body and ensure that it is free of external parasites (tics and fleas)

Regularly bathe the dog

Take the dog for regular the worming

Ensure that you spend quality time with your dog.





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