Effects of Alcohol You Didn't Know About

Apr 17 2012.

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Alcohol can be a stress reliever after a long day’s work, but for some, having a drink or two isn’t good enough. If you are one of those who needs to grab a drink every evening, do you know how much your actual intake is?

Noticed any differences in your performance at work? Lapses in memory perhaps?

I’ve stated below a few pointers you might want to know about alcohol:


Alcohol results in “Insomnia”. Alcohol drinking reduces sleep quality, which is generally caused by tossing and turning for hours each night, and eventually catching some shut eye during the early morning hours.


Alcohol consumption increases the risk for diseases. As a result of insomnia, the body’s opportunity to recharge or recover from the previous day’s activities is reduced. Further, insomnia reduces the chances for the body to produce essential hormones that are vital in fighting infection, making you prone to illness.


Alcohol can induce short and long-term memory loss. The brain is allowed to process information of previous days during sleep. But due to insomnia, the brain is not given enough time to sort and retain information. In serious cases of alcoholism, the person can suffer from deteriorating mental health.


Excessive drinking of alcohol can affect various systems of the body, more often than not resulting in a lower quality of general health. Constant consumers lose the strength and stamina to perform daily tasks.


Excessive alcohol drinking and insomnia results in loss of memory, further affecting a person’s performance at work. Missing appointments, not meeting the deadlines, forgetting how to perform regular tasks, can all lead to reduction in the quality of work, and could be frustrating to both the individual as well as the co-workers.


Frequent alcohol consumers have been reported to suffer from psychological issues, proving that the mental health condition of these people to have deteriorated. They get depressed and upset easily, often showing anger outbursts at work and at home.


Alcohol triggers behavioral problems, especially when one’s memory and mental health have been affected. This could have adverse effects on the family members too.


The risk of accidents increase as the intake of alcohol increase. Due to the simple factors of insomnia, affected memory and poor health, an individual will suffer from poor coordination in driving and operating machinery, making it more likely that accidents and death to occur.


Alcohol consumption can lead in individuals experiencing anxiety. An alcoholic will feel a decrease in confidence, making the person feel less capable and deserving good things in life. Challenging tasks will seem impossible to perform, making the person feel worthless.


Drinking too much alcohol can make a person delusional. Often speaking to someone who has just had too much to drink, it can be noticed that the person brags about his or her capabilities. Excessive drinking changes a person’s general mental condition, because it desensitizes the nerves, making the drinker feel nothing can harm him or her.


So before you have a glass of your favorite drink tonight, the above points about excessive alcohol drinking, is something to ponder about. It isn’t surprising if you are currently suffering from insomnia and never realized there could be a connection. People generally don’t give much importance to sleep, but once insomnia has kicked in, it is best to reduce the intake of alcohol.



(By Shirantha)


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