Eating disorders

Apr 05 2012.

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Eating disorders are becoming increasingly evident in today’s society where people are preoccupied with maintaining their body images while losing track of striking a balance in their diets and life style practices leading to a host of serious physical problems.The main types of eating disorders seen are anorexia nervosa, bulimia and binge-eating disorder. Daily Mirror Life asked general physician Dr.K.K.W perera some important questions regarding eating disorders.


What are the symptoms of anorexia, bulimia and binge eating?

Symptoms of eating disorders vary with each type of eating disorder,

When you have anorexia you’re obsessed with food and being thin sometimes to the point of deadly starvation.

Anorexia-denial of hunger, intense fear of gaining weight, having a negative self image, excessive exercise, irritability, social withdrawal, thin appearance, sleeping troubles, lanugo(soft downy hair present in the body) menstrual irregularities, constipation, dry skin, frequently feeling cold, dehydration and low blood pressure.

When you have a bulimia, you have episodes of bingeing and purging afterwards,

Bulimia-eating fatty/sweet foods to the point of pain and discomfort, self induced vomiting, excessive exercise, unhealthy focus on body shape and weight, low self-esteem, abnormal bowel function, damaged gums, menstrual irregularities, constant fasting, drug/alcohol abuse.

When you have binge-eating disorder you regularly eat excessive amounts of food but don’t compensate for this behavior with exercise and purging,

Binge eating-eating to the point of discomfort, eating faster during binge episodes, frequently eating alone, feeling disgusted/upset/ashamed over the amount eaten.


What are the causes/risk factors for the development of eating disorders?

Many people with eating disorders have psychological and emotional problems that contribute to the disorder, For instance low self-esteem, perfectionism, troubled relationships are some of them. Society often reinforces the desire to be thin in a person, equating success and popularity to being thin and what is seen in the media may fuel a person’s desire to be thin.

There is some evidence to say that genetics may also have some role to play in its’ development suggesting that people with first-degree relatives with an eating disorder will have a likelier chance of developing it. In addition to these, things like belonging to the female sex, being in the teenage age group, transitions in life, belonging to certain occupations (ballerinas, television personalities, athletes, models) may also play a role in the development of an eating disorder.


What are the treatment modalities available to help a person suffering from an eating disorder?

The treatment varies with the type of eating disorder, but in general it typically includes psychotherapy, weight restoration and medication.

Psychotherapy-It teaches an individual how to monitor moods and what they eat.
Weight restoration and nutrition education-if you’re underweight due to the eating disorder the goal Is to start gaining it back to a healthy weight.

Medication-medication can’t cure an eating disorder however antidepressants, anti anxiety drugs may help alleviate depression or anxiety that are associated with eating disorders.

In addition to getting professional treatment one can get involved in activities that boost the self esteem, resist the urge to skip meals, identify situations which make you turn to food for comforting purposes.


(By Samurddhi Tillekeratne)


  1. Kathrina21121 says:

    Big Thanks to Margret for showing up to my house and introduce Dr Olorun to me who cure me from this deadly Anorexia Nervosa disease. Dr Olorun has been faithful and truthful to work with. ever since the day i contacted him he has assure me his powers are sufficent to cure me and now am a living testimony. i have been cured finally and am fully healed by Dr Olorun, and now i want to use this medium to announce to everyone suffering from Anorexia Nervosa to contact Dr Olorun now get your treatmen

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