Eat more... Guava

Oct 06 2012.

views 881

· Eat more... Guava. It's high in fibre and also has a higher concentration of lycopene - an antioxidant that fights prostate cancer - than any other plant food. Eat the rind, too: it contains more vitamin C than the flesh of an entire orange.
· Your penchant for spicy curries or chocolate may be down to your genes, according to a study in the journal Nature. It shows our preferences for certain foods can run in families, and certain preferences may be inherited. For example, it was found that one gene causes carriers to find the fiery taste from chillies more intense than others, and this gene is also linked to a dislike of beetroot and sweeteners. Taste is said to be cultivated when in the womb. Scientists found that infants whose mothers ate aniseed while pregnant were attracted to foods that smell of aniseed.
(Daily Mail)


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