Common illnesses with birds

Apr 19 2013.

views 1011


This week on “Ask the Vet” we move away form the regular animals (cats and dogs) that we feature on the page and instead move on to smaller and feathery pets.

Many of us our proud owners of various bird species such as Parrots, Mynahs and Budgerigars. It is quite difficult to justify when your lovable feathered friends are feeling rather blue. So this week Dr. V.A. Ching speaks about how to identify when your pet bird is sick and needs medical attention


The main illnesses that are found in birds come in the form of:


Respiratory track diseases


Nutritional deficiencies



Symptoms of Respiratory disease:

Ruffled feathers

Sleeping with head down

Less movement

Shriveled up


Discharge from the nose

Labored breathing



Symptoms of Diarrhea:

Watery stools


Symptoms of Nutritional deficiencies:

The Birds feathers will be less shiny


Nutritional deceases are caused mainly because of a lack of vitamins. If you suspect the bird has a nutritional disease then attempt to feed the recommended grains to it if not take it immediately to the vet.




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