Apr 15 2012.

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 If your car breaks down, are you in the dumps? Or do you whip out the toolbox? Answer this and other questions to find out if you can cope when the chips are down.
      1. Your car breaks down. What do you do?
      (a) Whip out the tool box and overalls
      (b) Open the bonnet and peer around inside
      (c) Burst into tears?
      2. You are shopping and somebody falls down in a dead faint. You:
      (a) Run away screaming
      (b) Ask a shop to call an ambulance
      (c) Administer mouth-to-mouth resuscitation 
      3. You are on safari and a lion approaches your vehicle. Do you:
      (a) Whip out your handy tranquilizer gun and deal with the situation there 
      and then
      (b) Crawl under the back seat
      (c) Make sure the doors and windows are closed
      4. A child is crying for its mother and there is nobody in sight. What do 
      you do?
      (a) Telephone for the police
      (b) Comfort the child while waiting to see if anybody turns up before 
      contacting the police
      (c) Disappear into a shop and wait for somebody else to do something
      5. You have broken your mother-in-law's favourite mug. Do you:
      (a) Hide the pieces in your handbag and leave immediately
      (b) Show her the broken pieces with many apologies
      (c) Take a taxi to the nearest expensive store and buy the best mug it has 
      to offer
      6. Your partner gives you an expensive dressing gown - but it's hideous. 
      Do you:
      (a) Wear it for a while and gradually leave it in the cupboard
      (b) Explain that you hate it and need to take it back to the shop - does 
      he/she have the receipt?
      (c) Wear it for the rest of your life
      7. Your child comes home with a pierced eyebrow. Are you:
      (a) Silent - it's only semi-permanent after all
      (b) Outraged - you insist that it comes out straight away or no more 
      (c) In tears of despair
      8. You come home to find a cow in your garden and the biggest mess you 
      have ever seen. What do you do?
      (a) Cry
      (b) Herd it out of your garden and down to the local farm
      (c) Telephone your local farmer
      9. It is a very hot day and the last place you want to be is in your car. 
      But there is a major traffic jam. The river is nearby. Do you:
      (a) Park on the side of the road and go for a swim
      (b) Put on the air-conditioning and listen to the radio
      (c) Turn the car engine off and suffer in silence
      10. You go to a fancy dress party - but nobody else is wearing a costume. 
      The invitation said to dress up, so you are in the right. Do you: 
      (a) Sneak home
      (b) Feel a bit shy, but enjoy the compliments
      (c) Swagger around, complaining that the party is no fun because nobody is 
      as brave as you are
Now check your score:
      a b c
      1. 0 5 10
      2. 0 5 10
      3. 10 0 5
      4. 10 5 0
      5. 0 5 10
      6. 5 10 0
      7. 5 10 0
      8. 0 10 5
      9. 10 5 0
      10. 0 5 10
      What your score means:
      0-30: When it comes to emergencies, you are a hopeless case. If the worst 
      happens, you collapse into a heap. It's time to become more assertive. Try 
      to take an active, rather than a passive, role when things are going wrong 
      you'll feel better about yourself and be more in control, too. 
      35-70: You don't know much about some subjects - but you are always 
      prepared to give it a go, and that's what counts. A little more research 
      into common but problematic situations, such as a first aid course, could 
      stand you in good stead.
      75-100: Where were you when we needed you most? You are justly confident 
      of your abilities to cope with almost any situation. Just make sure that 
      you don't offend people by bustling in to help when they could have coped 
      on their own. 
(Asia Features)


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