Buzz!!!! With Danu - Sabrina Herft

Sep 03 2012.

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I always bump into interesting people.
I have a dear friend of mine who is stunning, intelligent and a fun mother, but sometimes her blunders are the talk of the town.
Once she asked the waiter, “Give me a small portion” then followed it up by asking him, “How BIG is your SMALL?” 
This left the waiter at a loss for words!!  Sin. I heard he ran to the washroom and never came out..
Today I have a beautiful person who is all ready to take our county to another level. The reviews about our new beauty queen have been nothing but positive and also packed with high expectations. I hope the support from the county will be good to make her journey a pleasant one. Wishing her nothing but the best, I have asked her the questions, now it’s time for you to enjoy.
Full name- Sabrina Andrea Herft
Hometown- Colombo
Status- In a relationship
Birthday- 12/08/1987
Idols- I do not believe in having just one idol- I have learnt to take the positive and admirable characteristics of the people that I have come into contact with and have made a unique blend for myself.  
Passions- The theatre and reading 
Favourite Colour- Purple
Favourite Cartoon - The Jetsons


How excited are you about the international pageant? 
More anxious and wary than excited!
How were you as a kid? 
A tomboy – you would never guess that by looking at me though. 
Tell me a little bit about your family? 
I am from a family of 5. We are a close-knit family. I’ve two wonderful parents who have always supported and helped me achieve my goals and ambitions leaving aside their own inhibitions. My sister in Australia has been my strongest confidant and mentor, last but certainly not least my comical brother who has provided our family with a great deal of entertainment throughout the years. I could not have asked for a sounder support system than my family. 


Whose wardrobe would you most like to possess and why? 
Kate Middleton – she exudes such a classic elegance both in her wardrobe and demeanor. 
Would you try acting? 
Yes I would definitely rise up to the challenge.
What last made you laugh? 
An online article about me – what ever happened to investigative journalism? 
What is your perception of how people see you? 
Amiable, approachable and dependable. 
What is the first thing you notice in the opposite sex? 
Their smile 
What are the last 4 digits in your cell phone number? 
9772 ... Of course, they aren't in sequence!
Do you like going to the gym? 
Absolutely – I’m a gym fanatic.
I believe that it is extremely important to condition both the mind and body. 
What are your nicknames? 
Sabs… Saby … Sabsy
Favourite hangout? 
3 things you cannot live without?
1. iphone 
2. ipad
3. macbookpro... uh oh, it looks like I'm a walking billboard for Apple!
What the last thing you do before you go to bed? 
Have a warm glass of milk
Name someone you can tell just about anything to? 
My sister
What's the one thing you'd like to do but haven't done yet?
An evening Skydive over the Yarra Valley wineries

If you wrote a journal entry about your last date, what would it say? 
To be continued …
If you had to rank how attractive you are on a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rank yourself?  
It’s hard to play a numbers game when it comes to attractiveness … can beauty truly be measured on a scale? 
If a relationship doesn’t work out, do you think there is space for friendship? 
Yes – a girl can be optimistic cant she?;)
If you are asked at the international pageant to describe Sri Lanka in five eords, what would you say? 
An island like no other 
If you could hand over your crown to another contestant or a runner –up, who would you pick? 
Although hypothetical, I would not hand over my crown! It is a symbol of my achievement and one that I strived extremely hard to obtain. 
If you could have plastic surgery right now and change anything about yourself, what would you change? 
Imperfections are a part of a person’s true beauty, it is what provides a certain character to a human being - I am content with myself. 
If you could bring back one famous person from the dead - who would it be & why? 
Diana – Princess of Wales – it was not her time to die. She truly embodied the true meaning of the words ‘princess of the people’, an inspiration to women worldwide – there was so much more that she could have given us.
If you could sell your crown, what would you buy? 
My crown is invaluable… it will be a constant reminder of what I achieved and the hard work, dedication and endurance that I had to go through to win my crown and my position. That would be the last thing that I would sell!
If you woke up one day looking like Danu, you would….
Hit my interviewees with even more scandalous questions! And wear a bowtie;) For some reason Danu I picture you in a bowtie!

In the Spot
Do you think you can offer something more than Stephanie Siriwardhana –winner 2011?
Stephanie is a vibrant and beautiful Miss Sri Lanka – a true Sri Lankan beauty queen and I hope to work just as hard as she did, without resting on my laurels, in preparing for the main Miss Universe pageant. 
Jacqueline Fernandez in Bollywood? 
She’s broken into the world’s prime movie industry … kudos to her! Her achievements are nothing short of remarkable for both her and our motherland.
Who is your all-time favourite Miss Sri Lanka? 
Jacqueline Fernandez
You would like to be remembered as a good…Girl, Daughter, friend, Sri Lankan or a Beauty queen?  
All the above J why pick one!
Five things that make you smile
1. The view from my apartment at sunset
2. Absence of traffic on the road
3.The beach
4.Trashy gossip magazines – always dependable for a good laugh 
5. A great cup of coffee – believe it or not that’s actually pretty hard to find!


Five songs on your I- Pod
1. Brighter than the sun (The smash cast)
2.Hold you (Gyptian)
3.Run the world (Beyonce)
4.Wonderful (Angel)
5.Beggin (madcon)
Just for Fun
Do you follow trends? 
I like to be my own trendsetter
Which is your favourite day of the week? 
Are you a risk taker? 
Yes when absolutely necessary
What are your favourite animals? 
Dogs – in particular the red Tibetan Mastiff – if only I had 1.5 millions dollars to spare!
Do you have a T.V. in your bedroom? 
What's the dumbest purchase you ever made? 
A crepe maker which sits on a shelf collecting dust. 
What is your favourite movie of all time? 
Pearl Harbour


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