Bring the Spark into your life

Jul 18 2012.

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Feng shui is not about placing Chinese artifacts or merely suspending chimes and crystals or placing fountains or aquariums. It is more to do with the ambience, environment and the feel of a place.

Use of cures and symbols is no doubt an essential part of Feng Shui but one needs to ensure accurate corrections in a space prior to using the cures and this calls for great skills in aligning and putting the right things at the right place. This is possible when you understand your living space or if the space is seen from the point of view of a Feng Shui master.

The science of Feng Shui takes into account four important factors, the Chi or "breathe of life" potential of the neighborhood, the site orientation or the importance of the direction in which the building faces, the five elements -- fire, water, wood, metal, earth -- and their mutual influence upon a location and the power of water and its significance in relation to the property.

A property possessing low "Chi" (low energy) means the occupants are deprived of many opportunities in life including relationship luck and marriage prospects. By adapting the Art and science of Feng Shui such afflictions due to  low energies, deficiencies can be corrected  and we  can harness the positive flow of earth energies in order to achieve a harmonious sense of ease, balance and move towards our personal aspirations and desires.

The decision to get married is most definitely considered to be a important phase in a person’s life and most often a lot of effort goes into the choice of the person, compatibility and meeting up to ones expectations. To activate the luck for a suitable partner, Feng Shui has many prescribed methods however some of the time tested and simple methods are listed which one can adapt to activate relationship and marriage luck.

If you are a single Male and looking for a life partner, then introduce soft and subtle energy often referred to as Yin energy in the room. Use soft furnishings, and color avoid harsh lights. A man's room with objects like guns, ships, etc. will only attract other male friends into your home, not a woman you would like to get married to.



Dark red roses with thorns actually have quite negative Feng Shui meaning, contrary to the traditional belief which finds them symbol of love! The color red (apart from being used in marriage) symbolizes bleeding and has negative connotations on occasions celebrating love, companionship and happiness. Pink, yellow, peach or cream roses (with thorns removed) have wonderful symbolic meanings associated with young love. Choose the right flowers for display or offer to someone who matter to you.


Displaying Peony flowers as paintings or made of silk fabric at Southwest stimulates intention to marry and brings in a feel of romance in an ongoing relationship.


To activate good relationship luck switch On Red Lights in the Southwest. Energizing the Southwest of your Living Room and Bedroom with Red lanterns is the ultimate conjugal secret for more active relationship.


Exposed mirrors in bedroom are bad so remove Mirrors from Bedroom. Mirrors are often said to reflect third party interference and delay in your aspirations. It could be a delay in decision making as the mind does not get focused or an influence of people who force their opinions in your decision making.



By S.BS.Surendran, Accredited Master Fengshui Consultant, Bioenergetician and Traditional Vaastu Practitioner




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