Breastfeeding; How Simple Could It Be?

Jan 31 2012.

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Breastfeeding is easy—or so it seems. After all, every mother from the Stone Age, from the Biblical Eve, down to the modern busy yappy mom can do it with her eyes closed. But when you really get down to it, the late-night feedings, the offering of the breast every half hour, can actually wear down a new mom. Unfortunately, many moms feel that they are being unloving to their babies when they admit that breastfeeding is actually exhausting and that they would rather just stick a bottle in their babies’ mouths instead of having to go through the entire thing again on the next day, and the next, and the next.
What is it about breastfeeding that makes it so difficult? If mothers from several generations ago, prior to the invention of formula milk and milk bottles, only had breastfeeding to rely on to keep their babies alive, how come they managed to do that—and still maintain their homes and help in the farm and all that stuff? How do you, as a modern-day mom, find a way to breastfeed without dying from exhaustion?
The following important principles about breastfeeding will likely change the way you do it, and make it much easier for you:
1. You breastfeed to “feed” your baby
This means that you will want to make sure your baby gets the meal he needs to see him throughout his nap. Babies, especially newborns, sleep most of the day. However, when they are not satisfied with their milk, they tend to wake up in shorter intervals, bawling for milk. What could be the cause? Is it possible that they did not take in as much milk as they needed? Is it possible the baby fell asleep at the breast too soon? This is a common mistake among mothers, wherein they nurse the baby to sleep. Can you imagine falling asleep in the middle of your lunch, without having eaten enough to give you energy for the rest of the day? This is also the case wit  h infants who are nursed at a time when they are already sleepy. This is why experts recommend switching the baby’s feeding-sleeping-wake patterns. Instead of allowing the baby to wake up and feed only when he is about to sleep, they recommend feeding the baby as soon as he wakes up, so that he gets a full feeding. When he finally falls asleep, he falls asleep full and satisfied. This results in longer naps, and longer rest periods for mom before she needs to nurse again.
2. Breast milk comes out in batches
The first batch is the thinner milk. With enough stimulation, the hind milk is released. This is much more laden with nutrients. As such, it is the longer feeding time, that is, with baby fully awake that allows the baby to get the benefits of this hind milk. When you know about this, you will find it much easier to aim to get that hind milk out and into your baby’s mouth. Also, this hind milk results in a fuller, more satisfied infant who sleeps more soundly.
3. The more stimulation that a mother’s breast gets, the more milk is produced
This principle will give hope to any mom who gives up breastfeeding due to poor milk supply, especially during the first month after birth. Misconceptions abound about how only those moms whose breasts overflow with milk from the first day of birth can successfully breastfeed. Of course, there will be some moms who indeed cannot produce enough milk, but more possibly, the breasts have not gotten enough stimulation because the baby falls asleep too soon. This is where a breast pump might help, in giving added stimulation just to ready the milk production for the baby’s benefit.
These basic principles should equip you with what you need for making sure your baby gets all that he needs from breastfeeding without wearing you out to nothingness. When you apply these principles, you will find the task to be manageable enough that you can even do other chores in between, giving you a glimpse of what it meant when mothers of old had only their breasts to give their babies suck.
(Written by Jessica Lord)  



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