Brain foods

Sep 17 2012.

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From endless study hours to the ever continuous work hours, it seems resting our brains is the last thing on anyone’s mind.
With the alarming lack of sleep people the world over are getting in this day and age, it’s hard to find any time to get some shut eye let alone increasing brain power. Retention, attention and analysis are all higher order functions of the brain which requires high levels of output from the mental faculties naturally draining the brain of resources. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could increase the output level of the brain without lengthy IQ developing activities and time taking Sudoku charts? 
Certain food types may actually possess the ability to replenish the brain thus contributing to higher levels of performance. In most instances high powered brain foods are composed of large energy reserves, they usually consist of complex carbohydrates, fiber, lean protein, and certain types of fat.
Brain foods have the added benefit of energizing your entire body, including the heart and vascular system, they are low in cholesterol content and saturated fat, high in omega-3 fatty acids and unprocessed. 
Simply put these food types possess the added benefit of reducing inflammation and risk of cancer.
Not the most obvious choice is it? Blueberries however have been shown to pack a range of benefits in the context of improving mental functions. Most noteworthy is the apparent ability Blueberries have to improve memory when consumed regularly.
The rich antioxidant factor in Blueberries helps prevent free radical damage and is known to reverse declines in motor functions related to age.



Rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, salmon helps your brain develop tissue for increasing your brain power. Furthermore, salmon also plays a key role in fighting Alzheimer’s and other age-related cognitive disorders.



Before you go stuff yourself with all the coffee you can find please remember that all foods mentioned here are good for you and your brain when consumed in moderation. Coffee helps to minimize risk of developing Alzheimer’s, Dementia and other mental disorders. Additionally Coffee is also rich in antioxidant properties.


Who would’ve thought right? Well research suggests that Dark Chocolate is good for you owing to their antioxidant properties, the darker variety of our favourite indulgence is also shown to improve concentration and focus.
All hope isn’t lost for those of us who prefer the creamier Milk Chocolate, research further co-relates with improved memory and reaction time. 

Nuts and Seeds


Nuts and seeds are marvel foods for your brain. Crammed with protein and vital fatty acids, nuts and seeds are also packed out with the amino arginine, which stimulates the pituitary gland at the base of the brain to discharge growth hormones, an essence that declines rapidly after age 35; this is a real anti-aging additional benefit for your brain.
By Dilshan Senaratne


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