Bizarre news from around the world!

Aug 16 2012.

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Woman arrested for taking TV between her legs

A Romanian woman has been arrested for leaving a shop with a 42-inch TV between her legs.

The lady managed to hold the £3,000 gadget between her thighs and even made it out of the store in Oslo, Norway, and onto a bus along with her boyfriend before she was arrested.

She thought she had got away with it while on the bus, but a suspicious shop worker had noticed her acting strangely and called the police, who tracked her down.

The woman's name has not been released, but she is being referred to as "Thunder Thighs" by one Norwegian newspaper.


Student wears same unwashed jeans for 15 months


A Canadian student wore the same pair of jeans for 15 months without washing them as part of an experiment.

Josh Le donned the $165 trousers 330 times and documented his progress on Facebook and YouTube after initially joking that he was going to perform a bacterial experiment on them.

He told ABC News: "My professor mentioned that she researches on textiles and bacteria, so it piqued my curiosity there.

"I half-jokingly said we should do a bacterial analysis on them [Le's jeans] and that's where it sort of started."

Josh put his trousers in the freezer overnight or let them air for a few hours if they started to smell.

He added: "If you don't wash your clothing, it raises questions. I was very careful with odor. I did the smell test in the morning."


Horse charity appeals for equine pyjamas

A British horse rescue charity is looking for a pair of pyjamas to fit a large equine.

Owners at HorseWorld near Bristol are on the hunt for some large clothing for the 7ft-high four-legged beast, called Gracie May, because she suffers an allergic reaction to midge bites.

Karen Hardwick, visitor centre yard manager, explained: "We have been struggling to keep Gracie May's itching under control.

"She currently has a rug that protects her when she is outdoors in the fields, but it's far from being a perfect fit and tends to rub against her. She badly needs something suitable for wearing indoors when she is in her stable here at Whitchurch - a pyjama suit would fit the bill."


Injured cuckoo flies to Italy on plane

An injured cuckoo has started her annual migration south by flying onboard a British Airways jet.

Idemili was unable to join her fellow cuckoos on the traditional 2,500-mile trip to warmer climes after being left on the verge of death when she was attacked by other birds, but she has been nursed back to health and is set to be released back into the wild to continue her journey.

The cuckoo was helped out by Wildlife Aid, who took her on a Boeing 737 flight from London Gatwick to Turin, Italy along with a vet.

Wildlife Aid founder Simon Cowell - not to be confused with the famous music mogul - told the Daily Mirror newspaper: "Had she not been handed to us by a kind member of the public I doubt she'd have survived.

"We're over the moon she has pulled through and excited about her journey continuing. It's like her own personal marathon with the help of BA."



(Bang Showbiz)


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