Apr 20 2012.

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How much do you leave as a tip? Say to someone you owe money?  This quiz could reveal things about you, you would rather not know.



You are invited to a bring-a-dish supper party.  Do you

 (a)    Take the cheapest thing you think you can get away with

 (b)    Decline the invitation

 (c)    Take something special and not worry about the price


It’s your partner’s birthday and you know they are expecting a present. Do you

 (a)    accidentally-on-purpose forget

 (b)    Give them a gift you bought in the sales earlier in the year

 (c)    Buy them the nicest, most expensive present you can afford


There is a collection for a colleague you work closely with at work who is leaving to get married.  Do you

 (a)    Give about the same as everyone else

 (b)    Give more because you know them well

 (c)    Give less than anyone else


You promise someone some money for doing you a favour.  Do you

 (a)    Wait until they remind you and then find an excuse not to pay

 (b)    Pay them at once

 (c)    Pay up eventually – but they may have to remind you


You win a prize in a competition which you don’t really want.  Do you

(a)    Give it to someone for their birthday

(b)    Take it back to the shop where it came from and ask for a refund

(c)    Give it to charity


You try on an outfit that you really like, but the price tag is more than you can afford.  Do you

 (a)    Buy it anyway

 (b)    Look for something similar in a cheaper shop

 (c)    Buy it – and tell your partner that you would like them to buy it for your birthday


You are spending the day at a theme park where you know the food is expensive. Do you

(a)    Pack some sandwiches and a drink for the family

(b)    Buy everyone a small snack to stave off hunger pangs

(c)    Treat the family to a meal in the restaurant


The service at a restaurant has been excellent, and the tip is left up to you. Do you

 (a)    Work out roughly 10% and leave that

 (b)    Leave just a few loose coins

 (c)    Leave a generous tip


You pass a down-and-out street musician. Do you

 (a)  Give him all the money you have on you

 (b)   Give him some loose coins

 (c)    Pretend you haven't seen him


A friend asks you to buy something for them at the shops, and gives you the money in advance.  When you get there, it is on special offer at half-price. Do you

(a)    Tell your friend and give them the change

(b)    Split the difference, and say it was a bit cheaper

(c)    Say nothing, and pocket the difference


Now check your score:


a            b            c

1.            5           10            0

2.            0            5           10

3.            5           10            0

4.            0           10            5

5.            5           10            0

6.            0           10            5

7             0             5           10

8.            5            10            0

9.            0             5           10

10.          0             5           10


What your score means:


0-30:  Generosity is your middle name.  You never think about the expense, but

just go ahead and do it anyway.  Is that because you are truly generous, or

maybe you just have so much money you can’t be bothered to think about it?

There might be another reason, too.  Sometimes insecure people feel the need to

be over-generous in an attempt to win approval.  Just make sure you are flashing

your money around for the right reasons.


35-70You don’t like waste and you try to do the right thing, which is fine

most of the time.  You don’t have to be careless with your cash, but sometimes a

splash of generosity can be exhilarating.  Try it and see.


75-100:  What can I say?  You may think you are careful, but sometimes you are

just plain mean.  How would you like to be on the receiving end?  It’s never too

late to change and you will be surprised how good it feels to be generous to

those around you.




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