Abdominal Muscles; Tone, Don’t Trim !

Nov 14 2011.

views 1350

"Trim" is a word used frequently in ab products. In reality, no exercise equipment will trim or reduce your waist. If you haven't heard by now, you cannot spot reduce fat (except by liposuction!). So don't believe ANY abdominal toning equipment advertisement that promises to decrease fat around your waistline. The fact is that ab exercises will train your abdominal muscles, but you will have the same layer of fat sitting on top of these muscles unless you create a calorie deficit by burning more calories than you consume. The most effective combination is aerobic exercise, strength training and healthy eating habits. You might not like this answer, but it is the only one that will work in the long run. Don't look for quick-fixes--as we all know, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is!
Many people are on a quest to achieve a "flat stomach". But did you know that the obsession with the abdominal area can cause frustration, anxiety, and can even lead to eating disorders? Surprised? Well, unfortunately for many people it's not physiologically possible to achieve a flat-stomach.  Our abdominals aren't designed to be flat. Instead, the abdominal muscles form a rounded, not flat, shape. Gender, age, and individual body types can effect the size and shape of your abdomen as well. This is especially true of many healthy and fit women who, when they reach about 40 years old, tend to get a lower abdominal "pooch" due to hormonal changes. 
So instead of worrying about something you can't change, try focusing on something you can--like your posture. Poor posture can contribute to a "pot belly" look, while good posture can add to a trimmer-looking physique. Good posture consists of a slight bending of the knees, contracting the abdominal muscles to point the tailbone toward the floor, and keeping your shoulders back and your head balanced on your neck (not leaning forward). Think of a string attached to your head which is being pulled upward. Better posture will make you feel taller and slimmer.
The abdominals are made up of four different muscle groups. The rectus abdominis is the group of muscles that extend down the center of the abdomen. The internal and external obliques are the muscles on the sides of your abdomen. The transverse abdominis is the deep layer of muscle lying under the internal oblique that helps to hold the belly in tight, acting like a corset when flexed. The best way to tone your abs is to exercise all four muscle groups.
With the proper exercises, you can improve your abdominal muscles. The abdominal muscles react to resistance training just like any other muscle group. Performing 100 biceps curls is not the proper way to overload the biceps--neither is doing 100 crunches to work the abdominals. Effective exercise will tone fatigue muscles in less than 20 repetitions and will produce better results.
You can achieve results without any equipment. You can even work your abdominals by performing a "pelvic tilt" while sitting in a chair. This method can strengthen your abdominals for better posture and for supporting the back. People with weak abs find this very helpful and easy to do. You could also try toning your abdominal muscles with these;
Standard Crunch:
Lie on your back with your knees bent. Lift your shoulders off the floor, concentrating on moving your ribs towards your hips. Pretend a grapefruit is under your chin so you don't move your head. Easier: hands on your chest. Harder: Hands on the sides of your head, but don't pull on your head. Hardest: Hands straight out above head. Go slow and keep breathing. Try 2 seconds up, hold for 2 seconds, then 2 seconds going down. 
Reverse Curl:
This targets the lower fibers of the front abdominal muscle and also the side abdominals. Lie on your back and bend your knees toward your chest as far as is comfortable, keeping your hips on the floor. Contract your abdominal muscles to lift your hips off the floor and bring your knees towards your chest. Don't swing your legs! Concentrate on using your abs to lift your pelvis toward your lower rib cage. Go slow and keep breathing. Easier: Hands on floor. Harder: Elbows on floor, hands in the air.
Combination Crunch:
Do the standard crunch and the reverse curl at the same time. If you need a challenging ab exercise, this will work great.
In addition to strength exercises specific to the abdominal muscles, it is also important to include cardio exercises as part of your workout regimen when trying to tone your abs. Some people may have strong, toned abdominal muscles, but never get that six pack look because the ab muscles are covered by excess body fat. Cardio exercises like running, biking and swimming burn a lot of calories and can help to lean out your mid section.
(Compiled by Jessica Lord)


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