A photographic odyssey

Jul 19 2012.

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An exhibition of photography by Mithra Weerakone titled ‘odyssey of mine eyes’ will be declared open by Sunethra Bandaranaike on Friday 20 July at the Harold Peiris Gallery of the Lionel Wendt Art Centre, 18 Guildford Crescent, Colombo 7.  It will be open to the public on 21 and 22 July from 9 am to 7 pm.  The exhibition will feature about 100 images in both colour and black and white.


Mithra Weerakone learnt to ‘see’ with a photographer’s eye at a very early age. Accompanying his father to the Negombo beach every day, holidaying in Nuwara Eliya three times a year, observing his father capture the beauty of nature on film wherever he went, he acquired an eye for the ‘perfect frame’ with a  natural ease.  Of course it helped, that his father was none other than the renowned photographer, the late Dr M. S. Weerakone. It is not surprising that he has a special liking for landscape photography.

Mithra got his first camera at the age of 16, in 1978 – a Rolliflex twin lens reflex. Among the first prizes he won locally were the ‘Orwo’ competition awards. Father and son shared a similar style of photography and went on excursions together.  Saving his winnings from competitions he was able to buy his first motor bike.

His first exhibition in 1992 was held jointly with his father, titled ‘Mine Eyes have Seen.’  He displayed 55 images at that exhibit, which was also held in Kandy and Kurunegala. It was followed by another joint exhibit in 1995. He was also chosen for a ‘Top Ten Photographers’ exhibition organized by the Photographic Society of Sri Lanka.

It was at Studio Times that Mithra mastered commercial photography, under the expert guidance of Nihal Fernando. During this time there was a focus on wildlife, historic sites and aerial photography. He used 5”x 4” field view Linof and Hazzelblad cameras. He ventured into commercial video productions after joining Tele Cine Ltd., and later the Wrap Factory.  But during this period too, the camera accompanied him wherever he went. In 2002 he set up his own outfit ‘Tele-extreme,’ undertaking photography and television work.

Mithra’s images have been among the top three at the UNESCO competition in 1984, and among those accepted and exhibited at respected international salons. The recent ‘Deyata Kirula’ exhibition in Anuradhapura showcased an exhibition of his work titled ‘India through Sri Lankan eyes.’ This was based on a train journey in India sponsored by the Indian High Commission.

Mithra is the immediate past president of the Photographic Society of Sri Lanka. He was awarded an Honorary Fellowship of the National Photographic Art Society (NPAS) and received the Licentiate of the Institute of Sri Lankan photographers.










  1. Saman Wanniarachchi says:

    Congratulations Mithra and I wiash you all the very best. I wish I was in Sri Lanka to see your exhibition.

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