The sisterhood of B*****

Jul 12 2012.

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It’s common knowledge that MEN (almost) never speak ill of other men, as opposed to the female kind, who are well reputed for their vicious tongue and sharp claws. This makes women hypocrites, since they have all held hands and fought for liberty, equal rights, etc for years (and in most countries still do). So why has the battle against the world turned in to a fully-fledged blood thirsty war against each other?

“Jealousy. Manifested in many forms. For example: The girl next to you catching the eye of a member of the opposite sex, could make you put that other girl down. In a larger context it could be that women are ruled and dominated by their husbands. So they take their frustrations out on other women,” explains Roshini, 24, student and employee. “Women aren’t ‘punching bags only for men you know.”

An interesting perspective. Whoever thought that the fight against abusive men would one day convert in to a fight against abusive women? Is it a possible side effect of the great rat race?

Most women today run a home, raise a family and are in the forefront of the labour force simultaneously. Undoubtedly previous generations will proudly smile upon their accomplishments. But... why has success come at the cost of vengeful resentment? (Nearly most of my female friends who are employed have a nasty ‘bi***’ of a boss)

“I am not sure if they are nasty or they are trying to be in control,” offers Yoga, a 53 year old banker, with a sigh, “but there is always a nitty gritty issue with some female which isn’t very helpful for a company.”

On the other hand Therapist Marisa Peer, author of self-help guide Ultimate Confidence, says that women have always measured themselves against each other by their looks rather than achievements — and this can make the lives of the good-looking very difficult.

So why don’t the gentleman bad-mouth each other? After all there are good looking men too.

“It’s the universal bro code we all adhere to,” explains Uzbi, 25. So are all women by nature backstabbing B*****S?  “Well... most women are (no offense). See women put other women down mainly because they are jealous, insecure and lack confidence.”  

On the contrary there is a science-to-the-rescue explanation to it.

Biologically it’s a competitive instinct. It is caused by a female’s natural need to "nest." To nest, a woman needs to have babies and thus a man to provide the babies, so she attacks other women in order to increase her chances of getting male attention. Is it always successful though?

“Not really... I would lose interest in her. And judge her character,” he answers indifferently. Who would have thought that boys underneath their clueless exterior are actually pretty insightful?

Yet what is most frightening is that the problems we combat every day are actually a disguise of a much deeper conflict we have against each other. The day we stop being ruthlessly critical and start respecting each other is the day we can confidently say that we are... empowered.




By Shazzana Hamid



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