Fengshui to activate women’s career and relationship luck

Jun 21 2012.

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Asian legend explains that in the beginning of the time there was only the Mother goddess, the bringer of life, the nourisher, the lover, the comforter. Her image graced stone caves of antiquity and her statues stood alone in ancient temples.

Mother earth is what we address the earth on which we live and achieve all that we can and could. Why do we call it Mother Earth? Mother knows only one thing, no matter whether the children are good or bad, that is to give all the love and support. Similarly the earth gives us just about everything and anything irrespective of the kind of people who live on it.

In Japanese the Mother goddess is known as Amaterasu, in Greek it is Demeter, in Egyptian it is Isis, Tibetans call it Tara and Hindus as Shakti. No matter what name each culture carries, the common factor is that all of them have the same qualities of compassion, love and strength.

To-days woman is a lot stronger and has the strength to face the world independently and tactfully. The woman has many phases and she continuously evolves into something more beautiful and matured as time lapses.

There are many simple and practical tips which one could adapt to strengthen the Chi energy of your career and make it more harmonious. The southwest is sector pertaining to the female energy or the matriarch, enhancing the southwest corner of the living room, the bedroom or the house in general increases the CHI energy beneficial to women. Keep the southwest clean and clutter free.

If your home has more toilets or storage in this sector, keep the doors closed but well ventilated and free of bad odors. Display metallic or earth objects in the northwest to  enhance the networking luck and bring influential friends and mentors into your life.

The crystal globe is one of the most powerful energizers for success in fields related to education, literature, publishing, media and communications. Displaying a crystal globe on your desktop where you work will bring wealth and recognition as well

To ensure harmony at work especially with colleagues, superiors, subordinates and business associates, place an amethyst gem tree on your desk. This would help overcome discontent and discord.

Suspend a six-rod metal wind chime in the North sector of your home, which activates career luck and protects your job too.

For a successful marriage and excellent relationship luck, you could adapt the following simple remedies at home. Avoid mirrors in your bedroom reflecting your cot. Amethyst stones or geodes also help in enhancing the aura and the energy of the bedrooms pace and has a healing In the Imperial record of Chinese Coins, it was recorded that there is a certain form of coin shaped talisman known as “coins for throwing into the bed chamber" which would not only bring great wealth to the couple but also plenty of successful children. So symbolically, Fengshui does recommend tie coins to the bedpost to enhance marriage success.

By S.BS.Surendran, Accredited Master Fengshui Consultant, Bioenergetician and Traditional Vaastu Practitioner


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