Subhashini Meegama

Nov 17 2014.

views 1252


Combining her love for adventure, cuisine and travel Subhashini likes nothing better than seeking out new travel destinations either overseas or in Sri Lanka. Working as a Project Co-ordinator in a charity organisation, Subhashini loves long weekends so that she can get away with her family in search of new vistas.

Why do you love travel?

 For me travel is the best way to get away from day to day activities and I see it as a  time for bonding with friends and family.

Your favourite travel destination and why?

I simply love England. I love the cold autumnal weather and I also love the fact that you can travel all over by yourself if you can read a subway map.

What do you need for a perfect holiday?

Comfortable shoes, clean and safe accommodation and easy transportation.

In which country have you felt most at home?

England though it’s very different to home. Australia comes a close second.

Favourite holiday discovery?

The active volcano in Indonesia was an amazing sight along with “Padang food”.

Worst holiday or travel experience?

A trip we took to Sinharaja. We booked this bungalow which stated they are at the border of the forest but on arrival it was totally different to the image portrayed on the website. That was one trip I was counting the days till it was over.

Best piece of travel advice?

It’s always good to educate yourself a little about the place and maybe plan ahead especially if you are going for a short stay.

Your top five travel destinations?

Yala (I love the leopards and the elephants there), England, Australia, Indonesia and Malaysia.

What has travel taught you?

To accept what each place has to offer with an open mind and to adjust accordingly. Enjoy the different conditions (weather / time)  and situations faced.

Which country did you taste the best ever cuisine?


Next travel destination?


By Tina Edward Gunawardhana


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