Jul 14 2014.
views 817Shelani Jayasinghe is a busy hands on young mum to three daughters. Having lived in Melbourne for most of her life Shelani loves to travel with her family especially to Sri Lanka which she visits regularly to give her daughters an experience of the Sri Lankan culture. Here Shelani shares her travel experiences.
Why do you love travel?
We love to travel to experience other cultures, lifestyles and most importantly food.
Your favourite travel destination and why?
As a family we love Sri Lanka. We love spending time with family and friends and the food is always amazing. And for the children we think it is important to see their background and understand where they come from. My other favourite destination is Japan. Love its amazing temples, culture and the food is out of this world.
What do you need for a perfect holiday?
If travelling with the family, it would have to be beaches, warm weather and child friendly hotels.
In which country have you felt most at home?
I have two countries Japan and Sri Lanka. I have spent a great deal of time in both working and travelling around both of them since I was young.
Most unusual souvenir you have brought home?
I always manage to pick up some weird and fascinating souvenirs from Japan. Last time I bought dried shredded squid, it's a snack you eat with beer.
Favourite holiday discovery?
Has to be Neuton Circuit in Singapore. Food is always just perfect and the chillie crab is just amazing.
Worst holiday or travel experience?
Having an anaphylactic episode in Thailand on my first trip overseas by myself with a girlfriend, straight out of high school. The scariest thing to date.
Best piece of travel advice?
Always have a camera wherever you go. I always have two on me. One in my bag and my good one with me. Your never know what you might see.
Your top five travel destinations?
Sri Lanka, Japan, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia and Korea.
What has travel taught you?
Travel has taught me a lot about myself. In terms of becoming a more confident, outgoing and accepting person of others. It has also taught me to respect different peoples' cultures, beliefs and ways of thinking and open my mind to the huge world we live in. I hope that my children will travel when they are older as I think it is one of the most important life experiences ever.
What is the country you will never go back to and why?
I can honestly say I can't think of any country I would never go back to. I think each country I have visited has offered me something different and special.
Which country did you taste the best ever cuisine?
Singapore for the freshness, spice and diversity of its food.
Next travel destination?
By Tina Edward Gunawardhana