Sep 09 2014.
views 1218Shehani Seneviratne is an IT professional who juggles the demands of work and being a mum to two children with equal aplomb. Exploring and sampling new cultures are two of her past times.
Why do you love travel?
I love to explore new countries and observe and appreciate their unique cultures.
Your favourite travel destination and why?
Vietnam. I'm amazed by its diversity. From the totally unspoilt Hanoi to the fully westernised Saigon. We visited Halong Bay in 2000 and then again in 2013 and saw how much it has got commercialised. Therefore I urge anyone wanting to visit Vietnam, to do so now.
What do you need for a perfect holiday?
Good company and a clean place to stay. Also some shopping to make it exciting.
In which country have you felt most at home?
Australia, as we have so many friends and relatives there who made us feel at home.
Most unusual souvenir you have brought home?
Water from the Jordan River.
Favourite holiday discovery?
Fjords in Flam, Norway.
Worst holiday or travel experience?
Overshooting the tram stop in Norway which I had to get down and having to walk back all alone at midnight.
Best piece of travel advice?
Read up a lot on the destination before you get there.
Your top five travel destinations?
Vietnam, the Holy Land, Maldives, Australia, India.
What has travel taught you?
To appreciate and value diversity.
What is the country you will never go back to and why?
None yet.
Which country did you taste the best ever cuisine?
Next travel destination?
By Tina Edward Gunawardhana