Aug 29 2016.
views 553An animal lover who likes gadgets and good food, Samindri holds fort as the Director of Sales at the Hilton Colombo. Aside from her hectic schedule Samindri likes hanging out with her coterie of close friends. While reading and travelling are her hobbies, Samindri's pet peeves are people who are cruel to animals and people who are quick to judge.
Why do you love travel?
Because I firmly believe that nothing broadens one’s horizons like the experiences gained by travel.
Your favourite travel destination and why?
It’s difficult to mention one destination in particular as each one has its own pulse, its own rhythm and its own unique signature.
What do you need for a perfect holiday?
My family, a reliable tour company and some extra cash to spend won’t hurt.
In which country have you felt most at home?
Singapore as I go there very often.
Most unusual souvenir you have brought home?
I guess I’ll have to say a replica of Harry Potter’s wand which I got in Orlando several years ago.
Worst holiday or travel experience?
Two stand out in particular. Failing to pack some carry-on luggage on the way to Europe only to get to my destination and find that my main luggage had not arrived. Booking a holiday package to Dubai with a tour company that overcharged and under delivered.
Best piece of travel advice?
Research your destination before travelling. Always be prepared and never take anything for granted. Triple check if you have the 3 Ps with you at all times (phone/ passport/purse).
Your top five travel destinations?
Alaska, South Africa, Switzerland, Canada and USA.
Which country did you taste the best ever cuisine?
It’s difficult to mention one destination as I make it a point to try food that’s unique to that destination. However the food I had in the US (New York, New Orleans etc.) was definitely unforgettable.
Next travel destination?
Greece or Egypt!