Jul 26 2016.
views 771One of Sri Lanka’s emerging filmmakers showing great potential, Rehan loves cinema, music, working out and travel. His hobbies are films ranging from making, viewing, critiquing and writing scripts.
Rehan reveals that his love for travel relates to an deep-rooted interest in architecture. His pet peeves are dodgy politicians like Nigel Farage and Donald Trump.
Why do you love travel?
Travelling is exciting as it allows one to imbibe a foreign culture –for a limited period of time. You are often left feeling rejuvenated and ready to tackle life at home once again!
Your favourite travel destination and why?
Lisbon is the most romantic European city I’ve been to, but Amsterdam is the one I keep returning to for nostalgic reasons: I went to university there.
What do you need for a perfect holiday?
The right travel-buddy – ideally, someone compromising. I travel once a year with my best friend, who also happens to be my cousin.
In which country have you felt most at home?
Other than Sri Lanka, the Netherlands.
Most unusual souvenir you have brought home?
A glass vase I found outside the Votive Church in Vienna.
Worst holiday or travel experience?
Rome in scorching 40-degree heat!
Best piece of travel advice?
The clues to a country’s identity often lie in its art! Seek out its architecture and classical art, if you really want to learn its true identity.
Your top five travel destinations?
Lisbon, Amsterdam, Venice, Prague, Paris
What has travel taught you?
To understand other cultures; one often finds that we’re not all that dissimilar from one another…
In which country did you taste the best ever cuisine?
Hungary. Budapest has some of the richest food I’ve ever eaten; fatty but so full of taste. Nearly on par with Sri Lankan food, I might add…
Next travel destination?
The US!