Checking Out: Sonia Vitarana

Mar 06 2017.

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A penchant for travel has ensured that Sonia Vitarana has visited a host of countries around the world. A Toastmaster, Sonia spends her time coaching students and adults in public speaking and leadership skills. Splitting her time between her home country of Sri Lanka and the UK, her adopted country, Sonia likes meeting people and lists her hobbies as going to the theatre, watching films, reading and listening to music. 

Why do you love travel? 

To see different cultures, meet people of different nationalities, savour their cuisines. 

Your favourite travel destination and why? 

Bali for their hospitality, and Britain for their diversity and culture. 

What do you need for a perfect holiday? 

Good companionship and good quality food. 

In which country have you felt most at home? 

In Sorrento. 

Most unusual souvenir you have brought home? 

A wine goblet. I now do not collect souvenirs anymore. 

Worst holiday or travel experience? 

Travelling from London via Moscow to Sri Lanka was my worst travel experience. 

Best piece of travel advice? 

Travel light. 

Your top five travel destinations? 

Dubai, London, Washington, Venice, Manila. 

Which country did you taste the best ever cuisine? 

Obviously, Sri Lanka. 

Next travel destinations? 

Croatia and Vancouver.


Tina Edward Gunawardhana

Tina Edward Gunawardhana is a journalist specialising in travel, fashion, lifestyle, cuisine and personalities. She is also the Deputy Editor for Hi!! Magazine. An intrepid traveller, she likes to show readers the world through her eyes and experiences. Follow her on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram - tinajourno [email protected]


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