Weird Movie Genres You’ve Probably Never Heard Of

Jul 13 2017.

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As movie buffs, many of us are familiar with many of the genres that exist for movies. But did you know that many of the movies you've watched aren't just from a horror, action or comedy genre? It's the repetitiveness of certain elements of movies that have enabled movies to be classified into respective genres. But overtime, genres have evolved, merged and unified to form other genres. Here a few such genres you may not have heard of before. 


Established by a bunch of experimental artists led by filmmaker Yevgeny Yufit, Necrorealism is a post-revolutionary Russian art movement from the 80s. If the name isn't enough of a giveaway, works of this genre often explore the themes of death, decay, and the transformation of the body. 

These films are created through a lens with a  focus on black humor and the absurd. 

Movies: Werewolf-Orderlies (1984), Spring (1987), Suicide Warthogs (1988) 


Cult films mostly teeter between weird and that tiny glimmer of normalcy. But Bizarro takes it many steps further. Anything that's doomed too weird to be classed as a cult film is usually labelled as bizarro. The terminology is not as widespread, nevertheless, groups of movies that are absurd, surreal and grotesque while also being thought provoking and flabbergasting are given this title. Interestingly, the term was first used to describe a literary genre! 

Movies: Eraserhead (1977), Holy Mountain (1973), Tetsuo: The Iron Man (1989) 


Psycho-biddy is actually a colloquial term for a subgenre of the horror/thriller movie. These movies feature an older woman who was previously glamorous and is now mentally unbalanced, terrorizing those around her. The genre can be traced back to the first film to be classified psycho-biddy, What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? This genre is also referred to as Grande Dame Guignol, hagsploitation and hag horror. 

Movies: Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? (1962), What's the Matter with Helen? (1972), Hush… Hush, Sweet Charlotte (1964) 

Parkour Films 

If you're a fan of video games, you'll notice the element of parker i.e. free running, that is used in abundance. (Think Assassin's Creed). And this sub genre of parker in films is largely influenced by computer games. When applied to films, it denotes an increased focus on movement that results in a gripping, concentrated action movie. The movement is the core element; it becomes the action. The way the characters escape the tough situations is more important than the fight itself. 

Movies: Yamakasi (2001), District 13 (2004), Prince of Persia (2010) 

Sea Life Sports Films 

The list would never be complete without a Japanese entry, and sea life sports films certainly makes the cut. Once upon a time in the UK, this guy made a movie named Crust about a 7ft mutant prawn that gets into boxing. The film aired in Japan and the Japanese absolutely loved it. And so was born this genre that had a sea life + sports combo. 

Movies: Crust (2003), Calamari Wrestler (2004), Crab Goalkeeper (2006)


Rihaab Mowlana

Rihaab Mowlana is the Deputy Features Editor of Life Plus and a journalist with a passion for crafting captivating narratives. Her expertise lies in feature writing, where she brings a commitment to authenticity and a keen eye for unique perspectives. Follow Rihaab on Twitter & Instagram: @rihaabmowlana


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