Ringing in 2024

Jan 01 2024.

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Today as we step into a brand spanking new year with a clean slate our desires for 2024 are many. Personal New Year resolutions aside many in our society have aspirations for society as a whole. From alleviating animal cruelty to prosperity in the hospitality industry to hoping that people don't have short memories when remembering the political mistakes made that reduced our nation to its knees here are some New Year hopes of our readers.

With the dawn of 2024, my wish is that more people and organizations would participate, both proactively and actively in supporting initiatives to reduce the population of abandoned dogs and cats. Tashiya Captain Animal, Activist

I wish that the global conflicts will be resolved soon and the current unimaginable humanitarian crisis is managed and decisions taken for peace. Also, lessen other conflicts through diplomacy. I also hope In 2024 in Sri Lanka, all leaders and decision-makers will be mindful of the burden on every level of society and the vision for the country next year to lessen the burden and also include plans for the youth – to avoid the brain drain - which is our next generation of leaders. As the Hospitality and Tourism industries are key factors contributing towards the economy of the country all marketing and promotions planned for 2024 are immaterial of any leadership change. Wishing you all the best in 2024! Harpo Gooneratne, CEO/ Founder Harpo’s Cafes & Restaurants

To have a strong/better legal system in place whether it be for animal cruelty, reckless driving, child abuse, domestic violence or political corruption. Behind bars for those who were responsible for the economic crisis. And better weather. Mihiri De Silva, Founder Red Cocoon

On a Sri Lankan front, I wish for improvements in accountability and equality. I wish that 2024 brings relief and success to those who really need it. I hope that our people come to really value the richness and beauty of our own land. It is from this appreciation, that our tourism and country will benefit and grow. On an international front, I wish for a kinder, gentler world with more empathy at every level and an end to the selfish nature of political decision-making in geopolitics. I wish that traumas of the past stop infecting the futures of our children - we need more healing. Annika Fernando, PR / Annika Fernando Design 

Less than two years ago in this house, we were cooking our daily pot of rice on three bricks in the garden. It is easy to forget such inconvenient truths when you live on a seductive paradise island like ours. So we need to be mindful of the past as we step gingerly into 2024 – into what will hopefully be a more food- and energy-secure future for our children.” Ashok Ferrey, Author

With the beginning of the new year, I wish for everyone’s hearts to be filled with love, peace and abundant happiness with good health. 2023 has been a year of unique experiences that I will carry with me forever and I am sure it has been the same for many others. As we see different parts of the world experience different kinds of crises and instability, I am more grateful for all that God has bestowed upon me and my family. For all those who think they haven’t been able to experience the best year, there are lessons you have learned this year unconsciously and I hope these lessons will build a better life for you in 2024. In 2024, I hope to give back more to the world, not only through charity but through acts of love and kindness as well. May we all be surrounded by friends and family this new year and let it be a stepping stone for all of us even if we have not been able to meet our New Year resolutions in the recent past; the year 2024 will be another chance for us all to grow and redeem ourselves. Arusha Basheer

There are two main kinds of disasters that we learned about today. One is caused by natural forces, and the other is fueled by human emotions, egos, and grudges. Human actions worsen the effects of natural disasters. My hope for 2024 is that at least a quarter of the world's population, especially the leaders and decision-makers of various countries and organizations, will use the wisdom that humanity possesses to promote kindness and harmony among all living beings and to cherish the planet that we inhabit by making visible changes that will reduce the severity of the natural disasters that we face now. Let’s plan to celebrate the 2024 Christmas with a happier heart. Thushanee Illangakoon, Director - Talos Consulting (Pvt) Ltd

A century ago soft, attached collars began to shape the shirts men wear today. England's XI played a one-day match in Columbo on their way to what would be an Ashes defeat in Sydney. Cricket triggered my lifelong interest in everyday style. Sri Lanka is now a leading test nation. Look what a century can mean off the crease, 2024 should lead us into a century of fair play and fine fits, effortlessly and elegant in the new year. Ignatius Joseph, International menswear designer 

Hope is something we desperately need by the truckload. I hope we can find some way to navigate peace in the Middle East and Eastern Europe. I hope we can see the people who arrive at Europe’s shores as people with hopes and dreams as valid as mine, not as statistics and a body count, and treat them with the compassion and empathy they deserve. Hope continues for Sri Lanka. In the UK, 2024 will be good for the Sri Lankan diaspora who continue celebrating their identity and heritage through the arts, food and music. I’ll be watching the French Sri Lankan diaspora who are carving out their identity, the likes of Usha Jey and Kolam Paris. And I’m excited about being able to tell and share their stories. Ranji Thangiah, food photographer and food writer  

My deepest wish for 2024 is that the developed nations of the world get on board with undoing ongoing climate catastrophes through proactive changes in carbon emissions and sustainable farming. The fate of our species in the near future depends on them doing so. Nayomi Munaweera, Writer

My hope for 2024 is that Sri Lankans switch from their habitual short-term memory to instead reflect on our current reality. I hope we can start to exercise critical thinking this year, be a little less selfish and vote wiser so that we don’t make the same mistakes we have in the past. Shanuki de Alwis

As a woman entrepreneur in the hospitality industry, my hope is that we women are given a better break. With the rising cost of ingredients running a business is no mean feat. I would like to see exponential growth in tourism and more visitors to my restaurant in Mirissa. Dilu De Mel Punchihewa, Founder O Mirissa Cafe and Bistro

As a teacher, it is my fervent wish that all children have equal access to good quality education. In this current climate if children are to succeed they need to be educated and I wish that each child has a fair chance at a good education. Dushy Perera, Teacher


Tina Edward Gunawardhana

Tina Edward Gunawardhana is a journalist specialising in travel, fashion, lifestyle, cuisine and personalities. She is also the Deputy Editor for Hi!! Magazine. An intrepid traveller, she likes to show readers the world through her eyes and experiences. Follow her on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram - tinajourno [email protected]


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