Aug 04 2023.
views 211The story of Leopards and Humans is one of two highly adaptable species increasingly having to share the same space. How do we ensure we minimize conflict between the two? Leopards inhabit all climate zones of Sri Lanka, from the highlands to the coast; wherever there is sufficient habitat for them to live in, and prey animals on which to feed. Sadly, however, as unplanned development and illegal encroachment diminish these areas of their existence, they are being forced into increasing contact with humans. This inevitably leads to conflict with the leopard, nearly always, being the loser.
Between 2010 and 2020, no less than 102 leopard deaths were recorded at the hands of humans. Many more may have died; unseen. Estimates place their number at between 600 and 1,000 for the whole country. Unless something is done, soon, the Sri Lankan Leopard faces the threat of extinction. It is not just with increased awareness but also with added learning that the leopard can be made safe. This augmented knowledge can come from the specialized research that is being undertaken in several areas of the country, and also from that adapted from similar studies in other countries, particularly India, where human-leopard interactions have been prevalent for some time.
Dr Vidya Athreya is certainly someone who is eminently suited to sharing her knowledge on this. She is the Director and Head of Science & Conservation at WCS-India. Based in Pune, for the past decade, Dr Athreya has been studying human-leopard conflict in Maharashtra. She also works closely with Protected Area Managers and the public to mitigate conflicts involving big cats. In Western Maharashtra, where she concentrates her work, and in other parts of India, as in Sri Lanka, leopards inhabit a variety of habitats - from forests, tea gardens, and croplands, to private forests. These large cats have even learnt how to thrive in human-use landscapes including the edges of the city of Mumbai.
Dr Athreya is a member of the IUCN Cat Specialist Group; she has assisted in formulating State and National level Policy Guidelines on managing human-leopard conflict. Her research has led to an increased awareness of large carnivores outside Protected Areas. Dr. Athreya’s lecture will focus on leopard conservation strategies in India, the role of science and of engaging with the larger community; all working together to reduce conflict between this large cat and humans. As human-leopard conflict in Sri Lanka is on the rise, there is much that we can learn too, and adapt, to preserve this precious species for posterity to marvel at. The monthly lecture of the WNPS is supported by the Nations Trust Bank. Dr Vidya Athreya’s visit is enabled with the kind support of Dilmah Conservation and Jetwing Hotels. The Lecture is open to both members and non-members. ENTRANCE FREE.
Photo Credit: Ravisara Jayamanna