Feng Shui: Furniture Harmony

Aug 16 2024.

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Furniture and furnishings also have a significant influence on the quality of energy in the space and creating a vibrant feel. It is recommended that the arrangement of the furniture should be in a way which allows for a smooth flow of energy in the process avoiding too many tables and clutter. The centre room is where energy will gather and then disperse throughout the house and family. Keep the energy bright and clear, allowing it to move freely. While windows with views are beneficial, be cautious of having walls of windows as too much energy can escape through the wide open space, making the room feel less nurturing.

Furniture should never obstruct the flow of chi, so avoid having too much furniture that creates a sense of tightness and constriction. However, being overly minimalist with grey and black tones that suggest a spiritual Zen-like atmosphere is also too yin. The living room is the perfect place to display your art collections and precious antiques. Choose pieces that you genuinely like and that reflect your personality, as they provide insight into your character and aspirations to visitors. Having plants by windows also acts as a powerful protection against negative influences from the outside, such as nearby trees, lamposts, and busy roads.

When walking through your dining area, consider comfort as a crucial factor at the dining table. Uncomfortable chairs can suggest challenges in maintaining your current lifestyle. Chairs that are too small limit your growth and upward mobility. Similarly, dining tables that are too small or narrow may imply that your success and good fortune are limited. Pay attention to the layout of your kitchen, as it is the heart of the home and essential for maintaining good health. The food we cook and eat generates new life within us, and our energy levels depend on our ability to absorb nutrients from food.

Create ample space, good organization, and storage to encourage a steady flow of chi. Avoid situating food preparation areas in corners exposed to negative forces from sharp angles or shelves. The location of the kitchen can also impact eating habits. If the kitchen appears as an extension outside the building, occupants may eat out frequently. If the kitchen is visible from the front door, food may become a focus upon arriving to the home.

The placement of the stove in relation to the door, sink, and window is crucial for harmony. Create a comfortable and unhurried atmosphere for dining, with a shiny metal toaster or kettle in front of the cook, a wind chime near the doorway to alert the cook of visitors. To balance the kitchen energy of fire and water, incorporate wood and the colour green into the kitchen. Ensure there is good lighting above the dining table or use candles instead of a bright general light in the room.


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