Feng Shui for Buying Property

Feb 28 2025.

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Buying real estate can be one of the biggest decisions of your life. Whether you buy a home or a business location, it is immensely valuable to know what to look for and what to avoid at all costs. So much rides on a new home because this is where you relax, have fun, sleep, and eat; in short, it’s the place central to your life.

When you are looking at a house or any space for that matter, and considering whether to buy it, it helps to look at it with “Feng Shui eyes.” From a Feng Shui perspective we can discern many kinds of property some possess intrinsic good fortune and benefits everyone who lives within the chi is all pervasive and abundant. Feng Shui lays down practical guidelines that enable you to select good property - property whose chi is not afflicted by hostile hills, whose luck is not blocked by harmful structures and whose yang energy is vibrant and strong. There are also Feng Shui formulas that enable you to custom-design your luck. Not all Feng Shui afflictions can be cured, however, a professional Feng Shui consultant should be able to tell you what you can expect from this location, such as good financial or business opportunities, prosperity and health.

Look at the terrain and what surrounds your property. Look at the way roads are laid out. Are any of the surrounding roads pointing directly at any part of your house? Next, look for nearby natural water features and check the orientation of different units to the water. As a general rule water in front is always better than water behind.

Observe the design features of houses, facades and elevations are they appearing threatening? House facing a field is excellent Feng Shui as this makes up what is known as “bright hall” effect bringing in benign chi which can settle and gather momentum before entering your home. Facing a river that flows past the home even at some distance is excellent Feng Shui and it’s not surprising that homes and apartments located at waterfronts always fetch a higher real estate value.

It is always best to look at potential property during the early morning hours and the best time would be during the hour of the dragon between 7am and 9am. You can also view the property at the hours that correspond to your own animal sign as per Feng Shui astrology.

They are simple guidelines but if you can investigate at least these few matters you will not go wrong. There are many things you can do to activate the Feng Shui luck of your home after you buy it. But before you commit to buying it really is necessary to get certain things right. It’s important to know that every house has “Feng Shui flaws” and that no house is perfect. However, you should be aware of what you are buying so that you are knowledgeable about what kind of problems might be associated with the house. The good news is most Feng Shui flaws can be corrected.



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