Feel Good Space

Sep 30 2020.

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Feng Shui is not just a design element to get to know where to place the bed, mirror, wealth and stove, it’s an art of orienting, aligning and tapping into good quality energy. This calls for skill, intuition and knowledge of compass directions and mathematics in interpreting the floor plan and layout of the house also known as the natal chart of the house.

Feng Shui addresses almost the entire spectrum of human aspiration. The practise operates at various levels. It can be highly personalized when practised according to specific compass school formulas, or it can be broad-based and generalized. In the ancient days, the method involves interpretation of the terrain, contours, shapes, topography, elevation, rivers, and waterways, while compass Feng Shui offers recommendations in terms of compass directions.

What we see, and where we go, strongly determine the lives we lead. Feng Shui design uses all elements in moderation for creating the balance in a space and makes us move further towards our goals in life.  You always get to know and feel when you have entered a healthy home. Regardless of the period and style, there is a sense of harmony and purity that nourishes both body and soul.

When a house’s energies match our body’s energy, it lets us feel comfortable--there’s a sense of security and confidence. Very often when we look for a house, we tend to settle in houses that have similar energies. However, this does not necessarily mean that the house is good for us.

Our body responds and contains energy or “chi” that is sensitive to our surroundings. Likewise, a building’s form, structure and interior layout reflect the energies that it embodies.  Even if the living space is cramped and tight, you don’t need to sacrifice on your style and utility but make it multi-functional and beautiful by adapting the techniques of Feng Shui.

  • Use a mirror opposite a light source such as a window to maximize the natural daylight and enlarge the space and to cover your couch and sofa.
  • Enhance dead alcoves, niches, corridors, corners, and highlight them effectively through lighting or artefacts and décor.
  • Use lighter hues like icy blues, pale green, white and cream, butter yellow, pale lilac- the colour palette is exhaustive and large so need to choose on the right shade and ensure it matches with your accessories and furnishings.
  • Placing glass shelves in a window also lifts the energy and when you add a shade of blue and green glass candle holders or glass bottles it transforms the place and in case they are in the wealth and prosperity sector of the home, it would be quite appropriate, the corners being Southeast and South sectors.
  • Clutter tends to visually accentuate the potentially cramped look of small spaces. Work out your storage needs incorporating built-in storage designed to fit.



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