Apr 06 2022.
views 605It’s been some time since I featured a fashion brand, and I’m happy to have Demi Lewis, who was born in Colombo, Sri Lanka, and raised in Vienna, Austria. The idea for ISLAND GIRL was first introduced in 2016 and was launched in 2018 in Austria, focusing on products with a unique twist made to be rebellious and shiny at the same time. Sustainability knows no gender, and since launching ISLAND GIRL its concept was to create a clothing and accessories brand for those whose style falls in the in-between.
I have been following this brand for some time; it has such an island vibe with breathable fabric making it so easy to wear during our very hot New Year season, or surviving through these power cuts. Check Island Girl out on Instagram, Facebook and shop at Design Collective.
What sparked your interest in fashion?
I started off with sunglasses, as I wanted to sell a product that you can take on your journey to paradise. Eventually, merch was requested by so many of my clients, that I started with t-shirts. The most important part of the t-shirt production was fair sourcing. All our t-shirts are 100% ORGANIC COTTON and certified with • GOTS • Oeko-Tex • Fair-Wear • Peta approved Vegan.
Tell me about your collection which you have featured in this shoot?
Our t-shirts mainly represent a minimalistic look - you can wear them casually, but they’d also look great with a suit or anything glamourous. It’s about how you mix and match our t-shirts. This collection is our Summer 2022 that obviously reflects our favourite quote “YOUR VIBE ATTRACTS YOUR TRIBE” - which means that the same energies will always be drawn towards each other. Because we are energy beings we tend to draw people with similar energies in our lives. Think positive, stay around positive people that lift you up, and remove yourself from toxic energies! Make sure to smile! The t-shirts come in three easy, combinable colors: White, Black, and Vintage White.
Tell me about your brand name and what do you want to leave back as a TRADEMARK for your brand?
ISLAND GIRL is you, me, all of us - ISLAND GIRL is something bigger than just a brand, it's about empowering women, empowering genderless fashion, focusing on inclusivity, and helping people to indulge in the joy of their own identity. It's a brand for everyone, regardless of one’s gender, class, or sexuality, ISLAND GIRL serves them all.
Your brand works with minimalistic artwork why and what is the thinking?
We think that minimalism is always a great way to pair with something flashy and prominent, or you keep it a simple look - less is more.
What are the retail outlets which carry your brand? Or is it online?
Now Sri Lankans will be able to purchase our exclusive collection at THE DESIGN COLLECTIVE Shop at 28 Stratford Avenue, Colombo 6, and also through their online shop. Visit our Sri Lankan website to be directly linked to our product page: https://officialislandgirl.com/pages/srilanka
What would you say is your personal style?
Classy, minimalistic.
What is the process of creating and marketing your design? Your design inspiration?
We concentrate on a color theme, do mood boards and then start the creative process. The colors are inspired by nature and paradise settings. The final artwork is being placed on a mockup to visualize the final product, that's how we move forward towards the production process. Marketing - this is a whole separate process. Marketing is all about Zeitgeist and adapting to the present generation that rules the fashion scene. Also adapting to various advertising outlets, depending on your brand's target audience, etc. If you don't jump on the hyping bandwagon, you might not get to where you were planning to. We truly inspect our customer's behaviors and work with Personas to focus on how and where to market ISLAND GIRL for its best outcome. Overall, what we have learned is - "slowly is the fastest way to get to where you want to be". Quality and best sourcing are our focus.
Who do you envision wearing your work? Do you always plan it for the fitness market, or it’s open to anyone?
First of all, I want my customers to feel good on all levels when they wear ISLAND GIRL clothing. ISLAND GIRL is a brand that represents genderless fashion - it’s not just for “he”, “she” - but for anyone who feels comfortable in whatever gender they represent. ISLAND GIRL is a brand where everyone can rock the products and represent their own style and personality.
Are you self-taught or did you study fashion?
Nada - I have a Master’s in International Relations but I’ve always been fashionably on time - LOL
How hard is it to promote island wear?
I think it’s all about a brand’s quality and philosophy. You should stay true to your values and the right customers will find you! But yes, good marketing is always an important factor!
What other areas is your brand involved in?
Apart from clothing. We are actually looking into NGO’s to support, mainly
- Earth positivity
- Saving animals, especially street dogs
- Child safety! Ending sexual violence against women & girls
Additionally, we are big in sustainability and also volunteer - lately with the Ukrainian refugees arriving in Vienna, Austria.
What’s the new collection which is to be launched?
You see what you get, baby! Look at Danu!