Aug 19 2024.
views 242As you reach this important milestone or are even in your fifties, you may hear phrases such as age is only a number. So how does it really feel to reach half a century? This is what some of the people we spoke to had to say.
Nishi Ratwatte
Q1: I honestly feel that I’ve become more calmer and more patient with people. Basically, I don’t want drama at this point in my life.
Q2: I wouldn’t say becoming 50 years old has changed my life, but leading up to 50 years, I’ve changed a lot.
Q3: Yes, especially with my husband.
Pros 1) Self-awareness 2) Recognizing health is a priority 3) Focusing on fitness
Cons 1) Getting into perimenopause and then menopause 2) Knowing that time is now getting limited 3) Losing muscle mass, getting wrinkles, white hair and all those age-related issues.
Q5: Yes, definitely. I don’t think there’s an age to change – one can change even at 80 years. But for me, I’ve become more accepting of people around me, accepting that the maximum I might live is another 30 years (give or take, if I’m lucky) and then the whole concept of why are we fighting, why are we accumulating things, falls into perspective.
Q6: I hope nothing major. But I do have to prepare my Last Will which is a priority now.
Q7: Yes I do. When I was younger I was very much an introvert but as the years have gone by I’ve become more of an extrovert. This is partly to do with my age I know, but also partly due to my husband’s and step-son’s coaxing and confidence in me.
Q8: Travel, travel and more travel. I love it. I’ve also wanted to retire because I feel there’s more to life than working.
Q9: I think 50 is the new 30 but no I don’t think life begins at 50. My humble take on it is life begins when one wants it to begin. It’s how you perceive it, I humbly feel.
Janaka De Alwis (Name changed)
Q1: Turning 50 is indeed a significant milestone. It’s been a gradual progression, each decade building on the last:
Q2: The focus has naturally shifted towards safeguarding my health and well-being, and ensuring sound financial management. With my kids entering tertiary education, you become more diligent about saving and securing adequate insurance. Given the economic uncertainties both in Sri Lanka and globally, I’ve chosen to reduce some of my more lavish spending, prioritizing long-term stability over short-term indulgence.
Q3:Family has always been my top priority. However, as my children grow older, they naturally spend less time with us (wife and me) as their circle of friends expands and their dependency on us as parents decreases. Over the years, my own circle of friends has also become smaller, now consisting of those who share common interests and goals. I wish I had been able to understand this much earlier.
Q5: I am happy with the way my life is now – and have no regrets!!
Q6: My health – lifestyle change such as the food, drinking, amount of sleep and the amount of exercise. Savings - Prioritizing my spending as mentioned before.
Q7: Not exactly. I would say it’s been a gradual process that has steadily built my confidence. I can’t pinpoint the exact moment, but it definitely started in my mid-forties, and I’ve continued to maintain that confidence to make the best of any situation.
Q8: Get a tattoo: I am definitely planning to get a tattoo soon, with a little encouragement from my kids. y Watch a Live performance of Cat Stevens and Toto: I want to experience the magic of a live Cat Stevens or Toto concert. y Safari to the Masai Mara: Going on a safari to the Masai Mara is high on my list, to witness the incredible wildlife in one of the world’s most iconic settings.
Q9: For me, life began at 40!!
Sanjeev Jayaratnam
Q1: Great actually. Wasn’t a major change. Life goes on.
Q2: Well I feel fitter and healthier now than in my 20s and 30s. I guess the reason is I am more conscious of working out and health and weight. So working out more – and therefore fitter than before.
Q3: Actually yes, as you tend to focus on what is more important. Also more aware of morbidity and that life is precious and can end at any time.
Q4: More patient. More tolerant. More open. Happier. Fitter.
Q5: Can change any aspect of life at any age. Lots of people started companies in their fifties, or even later. So nothing like the present to make any changes we feel are necessary.
Q6: Well one thing could be getting your affairs in order. Getting a will done.
Q7: Absolutely
Q8: Travelling. Writing. Composing
Q9: Life begins at whatever age we want to. Well, life can change and we can change at any age. We can have career changes. Start companies. Do different things. Learn new things at any age.
Parveen Herat
Q1: I believe it’s how you face 50s. One needs to embrace it positively. I’ve made a goal to keep more time for myself rather than chasing corporate goals, to make more memories and enjoy family and friends.
Q2: Yes, changed me to appreciate each day, not take things for granted and to have a positive attitude. I’ve seen many losing a healthier lifestyle due to illness in their 50s. This is why you need to make ‘ yourself ’ a priority.
Q3: Yes absolutely. You’ve lived 70% of your life, next year should be more memorable...
Q4: Pros – Freedom and independence, prioritizing personal fulfilment, financial stability, health awareness, emotional acceptance, patience and appreciation for small mercies.
Cons - Physical changes, ageing appearances, children moving out, losing parents, caregiving responsibilities, financial pressure, loss and grief.
Q5: I believe 50 gives you a second chance to do what you most like. Learning new hobbies, looking after your fitness and health, and just slowing down the pace in your life will enrich the 50’s.
Q6: To stop a corporate career that was demanding and to do something I am passionate about. ( I became a fitness trainer at the age of 50 years ).
Q7: I was always a confident lady but my life’s experience has shown me how to get the best of life at this stage.
Q8: To travel and explore Sri Lanka and other countries. To get my diving- padi license. To gather with friends more often, enjoy card games and fun times. To get back to horse riding, which was a hobby in my teens.
Q9: You have more freedom and financial independence to enjoy life. You are a stronger person with experience to make correct choices in your 50s. This is the beginning of your Autumn/Winter season in life’s journey and you will appreciate each day.
By Kshalini Nonis