Buzz with Danu: Christina Peiris

Nov 01 2017.

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Full Name –  Christina Peiris 

Hometown- Rathmalana

Status- In a relationship

Birthday-  29/01/1994

Passions- Designing, blogging, photography, painting, modeling 

Favorite Colors -  Black, red and white 

Today on buzz, I chat with Christina Peiris who will represent Sri Lanka at the upcoming Miss Universe 2017 pageant in Las Vegas, Nevada. we Had her on my radio show after she won her crown, and what’s amazing is how simple and fun loving she is, not forgetting her beauty. so i’m happy to say that Sri Lanka has a strong chance of winning the BIG crown this year.  

What made you become a social media influencer? Is it fun? What do you hope accomplish?

It all started through my Instagram account, I never thought that I would be a social media influencer one day. It all began after I posted travel photos and received positive feedback from my followers. It was then I decided to link my Instagram to an actual blog and it’s turned in to one of my passions ever since. I mainly focus on promoting tourism in Sri Lanka, cafes, restaurant, hotels and beautiful places I come across. I also write about my international journeys because I want to share my experience with everyone. I hope to promote more tourism in our country through my blog in the future. 

You have been working with the Cancer hospital for a long time, tell me what’s the inspiration?

After losing a number of family members to cancer I’ve had my fair share of spending time in the cancer home in Maharagama and getting to know other patient’s stories and their families. Since launching my clothing brand X.TINA I’ve always wanted to contribute to a cause that had a big impact on my life, because I wanted to give back to our community. It’s been only 8 months since I launched my clothing brand and at the end of every year a percent of the profits are donated to the cancer home. On a visit last month to inquire what they needed the most through donations they informed us that dry rations were no shortage and toys for the children were very limited as they cannot play with any fabricated toys and certain types of plastic. Donations in the form of medication was what they needed the most to increase the life span of the patients. When I am back after the Miss Universe Pageant I will be donating the medication they require before Christmas. 

Who has been the biggest support in your life?

My family would have to get most of the credit if not all for everything they do to help and support me. Constant motivation and guidance from them has helped me through out all these years. 
I’m blessed with a family who believes in me and everything I want to achieve in life.

Tell me your style of work?

When it comes to my blog, brand or now being Miss Universe Sri Lanka I have three separate styles in the way I work. I think it’s important to be versatile but stay true to who you are. It’s very important to me that I am able to incorporate different techniques and styles in order to show the diversity in me. 

What would you say, is the biggest challenge people face in Sri Lanka, and what impact do you hope to make with your crown?

Sri Lanka is a country which had a war for 30 years. I would like to focus on people who seldom have access to public areas. For kids and adults who are less abled whether by birth, injury or sickness. It is sad that buildings in Sri Lanka do not facilitate less abled people and wheelchairs. I would like to focus on making disabled access mandatory in public building and bring awareness to the authorities. 

What are some of your most defining moments in life?

December 2016 when I launched my blog, April 2017 the launch of my clothing brand and October 2017 when I was crowned Miss Universe Sri Lanka 2017.

Tell me about your design label? And what you hope to design for the international pageant?

After completing my degree in fashion design I was able to launch my clothing brand a year later. X.TINA is a humanitarian clothing brand where I hope to donated medication to the cancer home at the end of every year through a percentage of my profits. I do a lot of batiks and casual wear at the moment so when I took on designing two evening gowns to take with me for the pageant I was excited as I was working with wedding dreams on both dresses. I wanted to keep the silhouettes fitted, sultry and timeless, as I want to look back at these photographs years from now still loving what I wore 10 years ago. I think the key is to be timeless and you can never go wrong. 

How is it to be crowned as a beauty queen of Sri Lanka?

It’s been a lot of responsibility and it hasn’t sunk in yet because I’ve been doing everything I can to prepare for the international pageant. After my crowning I only had slightly over three weeks so I haven’t had the opportunity to feel like Miss Universe Sri Lanka yet as I’m so engrossed with preparing for Las Vegas. However, after I was crowned I received an enormous amount of love and support from not only Sri Lanka but from people around the world as well which has also helped in keeping me motivated for the upcoming pageant.  

What has been your favourite travel destination and why?

Greece, specifically Santorini. Without a doubt it is truly heaven on earth. Traveling and exploring other countries has been a family hobby from a very young age. We would all have multiple opinions on the countries we visited and Santorini was a place we all agreed on and hope to visit again soon. The locals go out of their way to help you, they are so welcoming and kind which makes your experience a million times better. Theres not a bad picture you could take in Santorini, every corner and turn you take is picture perfect. Greek food and music are also bonus points!

In the spot...

What are your thoughts on the rise in the suicide level?

Growning up hearing about constant suicides had an impact on my life to be there for people more. I think one of the main problems with suicide is that no one pays attention when someone needs help emotionally. No one takes someone seriously when they say that they are depressed or having thoughts about taking their own life. People need to encourage people to seek help when they notice that someone is no longer the same, mentally. People need to start being there for each other. 

What do you say is the biggest issue that the youth faces today in Sri Lanka?

Diversity and stereotypes. For many years the youth in Sri Lanka have had to deal with the stereotypical image people have set upon us. Up to date many are not able to go after their actual dreams and passions because their parents don’t see it as being a valid qualification or it simply won’t impress relatives or society. Many youngsters are unhappy or are confused with that they want to achieve or do in the future because of restrictions set upon them by parents.  

Just for Fun...
Who was your favourite teacher and why?

Mr. Seki was my biology teacher in the Cambridge High School, Abu Dhabi. I never had a great student teacher bond when I was schooling in Sri Lanka. Mr. Seki was the first teacher I met when I joined high school after I moved to Abu Dhabi. He is South African and full of energy and compassion towards his students. 

What makes you feel the most secure?

Knowing that my family is right beside me. I couldn’t have done most of it without their constant help and positivity. 

Who do you admire the most?

I admire my father the most. My parents have always been my role models and heroes and I couldn’t admire someone I do not know and don’t look up to. After losing my mother to Cancer at the age of 13 my father took on both roles of being both parents and he did a fantastic job with it. I admire the way he puts his job on hold for my sister and I, how he takes a flight to see us if one of us isn’t feeling well. He’s always made us his priority and put his life on hold for the two of us. I hope that when I have children one day that I am able to support them the way my father does. 

Have you ever had a reoccurring dream? What was it?

I have multiple reoccurring dreams, it’s either about this huge white roman looking castle where I constantly see tall roman pillars. Lately I’ve been dreaming about snakes which is a nightmare in my case and about the pageant. Maybe because the pageant is constantly in my head but it’s never a good dream. I’ve either forgotten my evening gown or missed my flight. Maybe these are signs from God to pack early and leave on time. 

What was your nickname growing up, or now?

I’ve had multiple nicknames growing up and I’ll tell you exactly what they are including the strange ones as well. Fasten your seatbelt, Chrissie, Chris, Tina, Platy, Grasshopper, Cactus, Plate and Christo. Chrissy is the one that stuck from the time I was born until today. I need to thank my father for it. 

Who was your hero when you were a child, and what did you do to be like them?

My mother was my hero and still is until this day. Growing up I watched her conquer her day being strong, confident, persistence, hardworking and on top of it all an amazing mother. She took care of my sister and I while doing a full time job and still made us the best dishes at the end of the day, made sure our school work was done and still took us to all those birthday parties. I don’t know where she found the time to juggle so much and still do a fantastic job. I hold her qualities close to heart and hope that I am half the woman she was. A part of me is so hardworking because I want to live up to the standard she made as a mother and woman.


If you had your own talk show, who would your first three guests be?

It would definitely be three of our main sponsors, Revlon Pvt Ltd, Fine Jewellery Company and Indian Oil Corporation. I would definitely start off my talk show by thanking them because if it wasn’t for their support I wouldn’t have been able to have a talk show after being crowned Miss Universe Sri Lanka. 

If you could live in any sitcom, which one would it be?

FRIENDS! I could watch friends all over again, even though I’ve seen every season multiple times. I could laugh for the same episodes over and over and it never gets old. It’s one series where I fell in love with all the characters and their personalities. 

If you could have been told one thing that you weren’t told when you were a teenager, what would you like to have heard?

Be patient and keeping working hard, good things are definitely coming.

If a movie was being made of your life and you could choose the actress to play you, who would you choose and why?

I have always thought of making a movie or tv series of my life because I have no doubt that it would inspire so many young girls out there. Freida Pinto crossed my mind because she is raw, emotional and a great actress. 


Danu Innasithamby

Danu is a Jaffna Boy with a Marketing qualification (only because he needed to study, and not because he wanted it). He has been a part of the team for seven years and is the face behind Buzz with Danu, and WTF.


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