May 11 2022.
views 924Today on the Buzz I speak to the famous Soundarie who has given us mini-musical experiences that are treasured. I spoke to her about the upcoming Tamil concert, a refreshing new lineup of singers and a nice blend of the very famous Tamil songs to some timeless melodies. I asked her about this long-awaited concert which has been in the pipeline for over two years. With the current situation, we are still not sure if the show will continue as planned on Friday. You can always call up the Soul Sounds Academy for more details on ticket purchase.
1. How was the experience of putting a Tamil concert together?
The experience has been very different from either my choral concerts or solo ones. I’ve probably had to work harder in learning the music - because it’s very different. But having done that, the music is so rich in melodic texture and harmony that I actually feel I’ve learned so much. Also working with new voices and hearing them grow has been truly rewarding. Finally, putting together the Soul Sounds Academy Tamil ensemble where we still have the choral form but this time in Tamil has been something I’ve really enjoyed doing.
2. What should people expect from this show?
So we are obviously playing Tamil Cinema Hits so all those fans of Maestro Illaiyaraja AR Rahman and also songs of SPB sir can relive cherished memories of growing up with them - at the show. Also, the music is a carefully chosen program so people can expect all of their favorites to be performed.
3. About the talent you are featuring?
Each voice is unique - we have the strong voice of Prakash from the Voice Fame, the Soothing voice of Tanuja all the way from Australia, the lovely voice of Abinesh, the sultry voice of Megan, and the clear voice of Amaan - from the Muslim Choral Ensemble each voice is unique and all of them chosen and singing songs according to the voice texture. All of them are extremely talented and I feel they should be heard more.
4. We have had a drop in the Tamil music and entertainment industry, what would you say is the main reason? And how can we build it?
I feel there is a lot of talent but there is a lack of opportunities for musicians and singers to perform. Also, very few sponsors coming forward. That being said I have to mention that I am truly grateful to the Tokyo Cement Group, Amika Hotel Madurai, and Delmege for having faith in us and coming forward to support this show. I also feel Tamil music has been underrated. Once you actually start listening and expanding your repertoire you will realize the rich music that is great to perform and also bound to be a hit if performed well.
5. Has it been hard marketing a Tamil show? How has the demand been?
I think it has been hard marketing a show in these hard times. This would apply to any show currently. But I also think the first show is always hard. If things pick up I’m sure there will be a demand in the future.
6. What kind of music and who are the musicians backing the singers?
The music as mentioned earlier are hits from Tamil Cinema especially those by composer Illaiyaraja Sir and AR Rahman. The singers are backed by a set of great musicians who I am honored to work with. The likes of Ratnam Ratnathurai on Tabla, Anand on drums, Pradeep Rodrigo on Bass, Shane John on acoustic drums, and Dhanuksha Seniviratne on Keyboards. I’ve really enjoyed making music with this lot of musicians and hope to have more collaborations in the future.
7. Where can we buy tickets? And details of the show.
Tickets are available at the Soul Sounds Academy 57/2 Kassapa Road of Jawatte Road Colombo 5 or you could call 0722127988 for reservations. The show takes place on 13th May 2022 at the newly refurbished Elphinston Theatre.
8. What are the shows you have planned for soul sounds this year?
Planning a Sinhala show in August this year - god willing. Based on the show Spandana we did a couple of years ago. I'm also planning on a Sinhala original for them.
9. What has the current situation in Sri Lanka taught you personally?
It’s been very very hard and whilst I am in solidarity with the struggle of the people and unite with them in this fight for our rights and justice. I also feel musicians have been badly hit by this. Take for instance the talent at our show - with so very opportunities and almost no platform to perform and work on their voice - they might have no option but to give up on a god-given talent and a passion they have for music. This is why I feel even amidst these really difficult times it is important that we keep encouraging young artists.
On a personal note, I am truly grateful to my husband - Pradeep who actually is the person who carefully selected the repertoire and pushed me beyond my comfort zone in exploring a new genre of music. His support also during a time when I personally have gone through a tough time is much appreciated.
Mano Manoharan (Hamilton, New Zealand) says:
May 12, 2022 at 01:23 amThis is a very good opportunity to unite all Sri Lankans together and to live together in the way how Ceylon was in the 1950s. Thank God produce more of these shows Jaffna boy. When I started my schooling at St Paul's Milagiriya, then at St.Peters, and then at Royal we did not know who Tamil, Sinhalese, Burger, Muslim, Portuguese, or Malay. We studied as one family.