Feb 17 2021.
views 1207Today on the Buzz I have a very well known face, I’m still trying to find ways to say her name without making a mess of it. Sharon is a well-known media person and no stage is complete if she is not at the Podium. Today I speak to her about her life and her amazing connection with her mom.
What made you get into media? Tell me about the most memorable day in your career. It was a stroke of luck actually – I had to fill in for a sick friend who was a part of the media team and then got selected to join kids news and later got invited to join the main news and so the journey continues. My most memorable hosting event was the CHOGM event – it was very exhilarating to introduce international state officials and interview some of the renowned personalities. Also winning many awards along the way is probably a highlight in my media journey.
What’s the most embarrassing thing that has happened on screen? Once my producer asked me over my ear device whether I had the sports script. I mimed NO on-screen during a commercial break and this had gone on air... It was a very scary "NO" where I was rolling my eyes... I think I scared a few people that night... That was a very interesting mistake indeed, and I guess everyone had a good laugh so I like to think positively that I’m capable of making people laugh at least.
What do you prefer the most about hosting events or hosting TV shows? Tough one. I guess TV shows are more relaxed and I can go on for hours talking to my invisible audience nonstop...There is definitely more pressure when it’s a live audience but it’s also very exciting – you never know what will happen or could happen, and that gets me all excited...
What do you think about the newcomers in the media industry today? It’s great to have them – there’s loads of new blood and amazing talent, only thing is I’m not sure whether they always follow media ethics and whether they stick to it. It will be great if they do... they have a lot of potential.
Tell me about your school life, were you the outgoing one? What did you think you will do when you were in school? I was a sports freak, not a book worm but thank God I passed my exams. I always wanted to be a lawyer, then I saw the number of books and reading required and got scared.
Who has been the biggest inspiration in your life? My mother, without a doubt – she will always be my inspiration.
If you have the chance to host a show internationally what show would it be and who would be your first guest? My first guest will be Trump.
Your favourite local TV personality and why and what is he or she taught you? Clifford Richards & Faizal Bongzo – they have taught me a lot of things; I think the highlights would be that there will always be people to cut you so to beware, and Never give up a profession you started!
What would you say has been the biggest blunder you made on a news desk and how did you overcome it? Getting the names and pronunciations of the Clergy has been consistently challenging and getting the high-value numbers right in one go is never easy. We got no time to count the Zeros when scripts are given on the spot. Once, I got suspended and ensured I read scripts before, but when it comes to last-minute scripts, you just can’t help it, because you need to know all the names properly and can’t afford to make any mistakes.
What do you do on a normal day to relax? I don’t have normal days and relaxation is a luxury. But I have improved now, I switch off my phone at least...
What are the top five things we will find in your bag at any given time? My rosary, ID, News ID, Debit card, Sanitiser.
If you have a date with the queen of England who would be the local designer who will be dressing you? I usually design my own, so contact Sharon maybe?