Buzz with Danu - #PressforProgress

Mar 07 2018.

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I’m always proud to say, Im a man made by women. The only two people who I had to look up and learn from are my two strong ladies,  my Mom and Sister, and they clearly know how to face a world which can look too scary to conqour. There are many things I can say about the ladies of my life who made me believe in empathy and not sympathy, hard work and not short cuts, and that sometimes you don’t need to run a company or drive a fancy car to leave a lasting impression, and that’s what my mom did.  As we move in to 2018 with a new vision for International Women's Day 2018 which is #PressforProgress, let us see this change come alive. 

On this Buzz with Danu, I asked these opinion leaders to answer one question, 

What would you see different for the next generation of women in Sri Lanka?

This is what they had to say. 

Nothing. Unless there is education to reform, and girls and boys are taught to look upon each other with respect, as human beings with equal opportunities and real possibilities. If not, in twenty years we'll ask the same questions we asked twenty years ago, and women and girls will be still fighting for their rights which men and boys will continue to consider granting-Hans Billimoria

What I see different, or least what I hope for the next generation of women in Sri Lanka is an education system and school curriculum that is responsive and agile to the world, and one that teaches both boys and girls about equality, inclusivity, rights and justice- Iromi Perera

I think the next generation of women in Sri Lanka will definitely make themselves heard !! Technology has allowed them access to all the information on the Internet and Social Media and unlike the previous generation, they will not be inhibited by family and community attitudes. They will be confident in their own abilities and you will see more of them in Knowledge, Technology and Professional roles. I am very heartened as I see more Women in Leadership today being role models and encouraging and mentoring the next generation in Sri Lanka- Latika Alok

"Be Brave, believe in yourself, no matter what. Don’t be afraid to get lost from time to time. It’s often on the untravelled path that we discover the most exciting and interesting opportunities. That’s where big ideas take shape and where real breakthroughs happen, both emotionally and professionally"

I know it’s hard – we are connected to devices 24/7 – but try to find a quiet place. Wander off for a few minutes and give yourself a bit of time. You will find remarkable clarity even after a few minutes. Never lose your self-value and worth. And please have patience, perseverance and never lose faith- Mahika Chandrasena

Next generation of women will be independent as never before. The number of women entrepreneurs will grow significantly and they will do remarkable things in every industry.- Sammani Pathiranagama

I see the next generation of women being more open-minded and innovative and having greater opportunities and much more representation of women in their respective fields. I also see women being treated with more respect and dignity in their respective fields and more women being represented in politics and in the parliament of Srilanka. I see women standing up for themselves and being independent and free thinkers not manipulated by society and its norms.- Alanki K Perera

" A nation where our mothers and sisters, particularly in rural villages, aren't left with the desperate option of being packed off overseas as modern day slaves, just so they can keep the home fires burning. We cannot continue to be OK with this as Sri Lankans.

"Equality cannot be limited to legislation but must be extended to opportunity as well."
-chevaan devavarathan daniel

I would love to see more women working together to make our futures brighter and to be equal on our ranks. We can only push ourselves forward if we join together to be a wonder woman like force. We should in turn also evolve to accept women for who they are rather than what shape or size they are - Safra Anver

"I see a future generation of strong, resilient, trailblazing women who will not only break the glass ceiling but also empower other girls and young women to just the same."- Kavindya Thennakoon

I’m happy to see that women are taking the initiative and risks to start their own businesses and being more independent. like me, I see a lot of other women using their talents and passion to improve and add value to the society and while multitasking/ managing their roles as wives and mothers as well and reaching educational goals as well.- Shanika Arsecularatne

I would like to see equal treatment for women in this country. The fact that we have archaic ideas such as women not being able to purchase alcohol is absolutely absurd. I definitely feel like the next generation of women in this country is strong and independent and their work ethic reflects this. We have so many young women these days starting their own enterprises and being entrepreneurs. I would like to see women carving out space for themselves and not feeling that they need to be pushed into the boxes that society carves out for them. We can do anything we want if we put our mind to it, so we should be defining our own image and not allowing society to do it for us.- Tanuja Perera Raymond

I would like to see more women in positions of leadership both in politics and within the decision making in the public and private sector- Selyna Peiris

I think the next generation of women in Sri Lanka have a huge responsibility to demand and ensure that there will be equality and human rights for all members of society regardless of gender, sexual orientation or religion.  Since we are more than 50% of the population we can ensure this when we unite for fair and positive change- Anitra Pieris

I would like to see more girls being brave, to defy norms and raise their voices to change the status quo- Shanuki De Alwis

I would see the chance for them to make their own choices and not be defined by gender roles or the patriarchy. I would see them (and men) being celebrated for the people they are, the values they espouse, and what they bring to the table over everything else. I see them choosing what they want to be – smart, strong, sexy – on their own terms-Sharanya Sekaram 


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