2021: New Year, New Me

Dec 31 2020.

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As we get ready to dawn a new year, we asked our readers what they wish to leave behind in 2020 and what they wish to carry forward to 2021. With a collective answer to leave behind the pandemic that has consumed our 2020, they share with us the lessons learnt and the hopes for the new year. 

Danu Innasithamby – “2020 taught me patience and the art of staying in one place and it also taught me to be thankful for the amazing things we are blessed with in life and I’ll carry these forward – all except for the Covid fat that I’m carrying! As for 2021, I hope it gives us all a reason to smile and not stress out!”

Ishan DeLanerolle – “The only thing I want to leave behind in 2020 is Covid 19! As for 2021, I’m quite often an optimist, I feel that we need to adapt to the new normal and be self-disciplined. If everyone does their part we can together defeat the virus. 2021 will show us endless opportunities personally, professionally and as a country.”

Ajai Vir Singh – “Going into 2021, I think the natural tendency to think fear first, needs to be left behind and the anxiety connected to this thought process. I want to carry forward the idea of the expectancy of success in the new environment and reassess ‘reality’ - as the first thought should be of success and not of failure. 2020 will be the launchpad for success and health in 2021!”

Mahika Chandrasekera – “Every time I transition into a new year, I always take the time to reflect on my career, relationships, failures and experiences. What I wish to leave behind in 2020 is to be the best versions better than 2020 in my personal life and career and what I want to carry forward to 2021 are a few reminders; to stop doubting your own capabilities, stop comparison, end toxic relationships, stop playing small, stop overscheduling and overextending yourself, stop postponing things and to set healthy boundaries!”

Shiromi Pinidiya – “Well, obviously I’d love to leave the lethal virus in 2020 but I’d also like to leave behind the mental and financial suffering a lot of people faced due to this. I feel some of us don’t realize just how many livelihoods have actually been affected by this pandemic. I truly believe that 2021 is going to be a year of prosperity for Sri Lanka especially the tourism sector. I hope that we all carry over the same tenacity and resilience that helped get through 2020 - something that will positively contribute to the success of our country!”

Nadiya Fernando – “I’d like to be forgiven for any misgivings on my part and I’d also like to forgive those who may have trespassed, and I’d like to bury the hatchet and start anew. As for 2021, this year I learned not to hope and simply learnt to work towards my goals,  take what comes and address it head-on and that’s something I’ll do next year as well!”

Aritha Wickremesinghe – “For me, I  wish to leave behind ill feelings and anger towards people. I feel that these things weigh us down and that it is better to forgive than harbour them. For 2021, I want to carry forward hope. Hope for us to come out of this pandemic stronger than before. Hope that my loved ones will have a great year and hope for my country.”

Dush Ratnayake – “Things I want to leave behind in 2020 – the coronavirus and about 30kg of body fat! And in 2021 I want to carry all the good things from 2020 – my YouTube channel Dishing with Dush, my friends and family and my amazing staff at Bellissima and I hope I am able to execute my plan to open multiple retail stores for my desserts this new year!”

Anuki Premachandra - “Personally, there’s really nothing I want to leave behind in 2020. I feel like 2020 has been an incredible (unforeseen), learning experience. What I want to carry forward to 2021 is Gratitude. This year brought about an immense sense of gratitude for the little things in life - be it work, be it travel etc. I hope that 2021 would be full of opportunities to seize!”

Ishan Iqbal – “I would like to leave behind the uncertainty in 2020 and in 2021 I simply hope that we as a nation support each other and overcome our struggles”.

Shivanthi Sansoni – “I want to leave behind this pandemic and in 2021 I want to carry forward the sheer will power we all had to fight through this pandemic. With all these tough times, as I person, I would like to move forward with my goals and mission towards our furry friends and our wellbeing as a nation. In 2021, Save a Paw with Love hopes to build our own rehabilitation centre so we can help and accommodate those who are suffering and in need.”

Treshan Weerasooriya Pereira – “I wish to leave behind all the toxic relationships and all other failures that I encountered in 2020 behind but not forgetting the lessons I learnt! I always ensure that these experiences don’t define me but mould me into a stronger, wiser and a braver person to face the future with more stability and confidence.  In 2021 I wish to pursue what I couldn’t in 2020, it's ok! You can always start over. Never give up on your dreams and don’t let anyone tell you, you are not good enough! Keep pushing forward and let every single day be a stepping stone to your roaring success.”

Harshini Nadeesha Struys – “In 2020, I would like to leave behind the fear, frustration and trauma caused by the Covid-19 virus. My fervent wish for 2021 is that an affordable vaccine should be made available to everyone and that the New Year ushers in Hope, Peace, Good Health and Prosperity to all of us.”

Shanaz Fouze  - “2020 was a very tough year for businesses and for everyone. I would love to leave the pandemic behind us but I guess it will follow us to 2021. But looking around, I see a lot of businesses have evolved according to the issues we all have faced so the one thing I’ll be taking forward in 2021 would be the drive and the dedication to keep pulling through!” 


Wishing all our readers a safe and prosperous 2021! 


Panchali Illankoon

Law Graduate, food and travel enthusiast and full time dog mom..


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