Most Anticipated Games of 2014

Jan 23 2014.

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Most Anticipated Games of 2014 (Part 3)

For gamers everywhere the new year is about the hottest releases scheduled across a variety of genres. In addition to the usual sequels/prequels, there are a number of new releases that are going to keep us busy all year round.

Naturally as a fan of strategy and adventure games, my priority list maybe a little different from what the rest of you have in mind.

Fortunately, there is plenty to go around for everyone.

This year we may see a few bad apples but I’m inclined to think that games in general are becoming better looking, faster, smoother and much bigger. Keeping that in mind here’s a few from my list of most anticipated games. 

This week the page features RPG games for 2014.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

The Witchers has so many elements of medieval-themed RPG games, which I suppose make players more comfortable wielding magic and fighting dragons (Dragons in the 21st century may seem a  bit cliche?).

In this case Witchers will not disappoint, the world will be large and explorable. The game allows players experience Geralt’s final quest and by all means, it is going to be awesome.

The game is designed to cut across diverse sections of the map to give players an all round gaming effect.

Players also get to experience the politics, war, and personal battles of their characters, while also battling monsters and demons.

Oddly, the latter seems more fun.


Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls

The iconic series is back with a new installment. Like all Diablo games, there will be a new evil that seeks to end the world.

The great new evil is Malthael (watch trailer), the angel of death. As the game starts, the Malthael has stayed true to his name and brought much death to the Templar Town of Westmarch and now he’s set his sights on the rest of humanity.

As usual, players are called forth to put an end to this angelic madness in return for experience points (think of it as good karma).

The game will also feature a new class - The Crusader - and a new gaming mode - Adventure mode. If you are into the online version, the new expansion will add a major patch that rebalances loot for Diablo 3 players.

I’ve not come across a hardcore Diablo 3 community out there (as opposed to DoTA or WOW) but if you exist, live long and prosper.


Wasteland 2

This game is supposed to be retro with a modern twist - for all us nostalgic old folk. Wasteland 2 caught my attention because its a Kickstarter (crowd funding) powered modern sequel and is currently under beta testing.

The game will feature some dark humour and grime atmosphere. It also promises “multi-path” problem solving along with unique “choices” and “consequences”.

All those elements are in quotes because offering players multi-path options is one thing, having an awesome plot to back it up is another. Think Mass Effect or Dragon Age as good standards.


Age of Wonders 3

Age of Wonders 3 is something like Civilization or mixed with Heroes of Might and Magic - a reimagined world where technology and magic co-exist. 

The latest installment will feature new RPG elements and more 3D elements. Again, this game does not match the breadth of some other classic RPG games with similar themes but for those who like that particular concoction of magic, might and strategy, it will keep you going pretty well.

It also helps to note that it has big names investing in this game including the creator of Minecraft.


The Age of Decadence

For every Age of Wonders (3) we need an Age of Decadence. True to its historically accurate name, the game features a post - apocalyptic world that seems right out of the dark ages (a period of cultural and economic decline in Western Europe, following the fall of the Roman empire).

The game features various customisation options for characters. Inspired by the Dark Ages itself, expect a lot of Romans and barbarians (slightly biased) battling it out as the stability of the Roman empire is no longer, and no semblance of the Pax Romana remains.


Cyberpunk 2077

No serious gamer should judge a game by its trailer. That would be like judging Che Guevara by going to cafe named in his honour.

While this game does have an amazing trailer what’s really interesting is the non-linear story, character customisation and a world full of robo-people.

Yes that last element is what really got me thinking and makes me feel a bit sad that I wasn’t born a few hundred years into the future. Anyway, who needs the future tomorrow when you can play it today.


Mass Effect 4

What happens after you have a successful trilogy with an award winning RPG title? Create a prequel or a new sequel (Halo).

That’s exactly what Mass Effect will be doing and while we are not sure if this is going to b e prequel or something else. Shepard's story is over and done with  and player’s won’t need to see him again.

However, some speculate that the game will feature action based on the universe-altering decisions Shepard makes in the end of ME3.


Dragon Age: Inquisition

Morrigan is back! If you are a fan of the original game then you are going to love this. With this third installment Bioware will seek to tie the best parts of its  universe together which first evolved in Dragon Age: Origins. Unfortunately, the sequel didn't do so well and that puts a lot of pressure on this game.

A new protagonist will enter a world in civil war battling it out in and around the Orlais region. Lot of customisation, more emphasis on tactics and magic.

Oh and Morrigan is back, femme fatale.


Dark Souls 2

One thing that attracted fans to Dark Souls was the fact that its not a cake walk. If you are not willing to invest some time learning the ins and outs of the game, you are not going to do well as you’d like.

Fortunately, this is something the sequel will not change and all the remaining control and gaming elements will stay the same.

The sequel will feature a larger world (apparently almost twice as big as the previous game) and more accessible.





By Navam Niles



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