Game Review: Don’t Starve

Feb 13 2014.

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Admittedly, my first experience with “Don’t Starve” came in with a bit of skepticism. It seemed as if someone had given Tim Burton a creative hand in video games (big fan) but this seemed contradictory to the tone of the game and the very serious objective of survival at all costs. To my pleasant surprise, however, the designers of the game managed to merge these two aspects quite neatly. The end result is a game that provokes constant vigilance to a point of paranoia. That’s not necessarily a bad thing either because almost everything in the world wants to kill you and there is no shortage of imaginative ways to die - starvation is just one of the problems. Despite the inevitable frustration that grips players after a string of noteworthy deaths, the cycle of discovery, crafting and survival becomes too good to resist.
Players assume the role of Wilson, who is conveniently a scientist - now a fully-fledged survivalist (not one of those “doomsday preppers” from National Geographic). Wilson is summoned to the world by a mysterious demonic (think Sinestro-like personality) gentleman. The game itself begins with a hasty introduction. Yet, this is not entirely a bad thing as the vast dangers that start converging all around you need more attention. Once you’re good to go, you’ll need to figure out everything by yourself. Overall, the storyline takes a very minimalistic approach. Instead, the focus is always on survival and this alone is enough to power the rest of the game.
First up, there is no tutorial for this game. If you are like me - too impatient for tutorials - this won’t bother you. However, if you are someone who likes to master the basics of a game before you are knee-deep in action, this might be a bit of an annoyance. The solution then, is an expansive set of trial-and-error decisions. Everything players encounter - resources, creepy creatures, weird contraptions - will need to be treated with a healthy mix of curiosity and caution. In the process, just ask yourself two simple questions : first, how can I use this object to my advantage?; second, if I screw-up, how badly is this going to hurt me? You’ll find those two questions going through your head many times over throughout the game. As you stumble through to acquire a variety of vital resources, each with its own set of perils and negative side-effects, sometimes there is nothing more you can do than to try something and hope for the best. Of course, when a wrong decision can mean death, this approach can be a bit intense at times and that’s the intended effect. Hence, each time you manage to replenish your ever-dwindling supplies, it feels like a little victory in itself, adding a sense of thrill to the whole object of survival. 
The exploration process itself will require gathering of food, materials, and fuel for a steady campfire. Players will need to scavenge for vegetables, berries or the occasional wildlife, which you consume. It is important to always have a good supply of edibles on hand to stave-off hunger, which could seriously affect your mental health if not addressed. A steady day-night cycle adds another layer of sophistication to the game. The darkness itself is an additional danger at night. If you are stuck in the dark without any light source, you’ll be consumed by the darkness. Light is not a silver bullet either. Staying out in the dark, even with a torch light, can drain metal energy. If you start losing grips on your sanity, hallucinations begin to take hold, which in turn leads to attacks from imaginary nightmarish creatures. To preserve sanity engage in activities such as resting, crafting and eating flowers (not as crazy as it sounds).
That brings us to the next big thing : crafting. The game features a well-designed system of danger and tension, coupled together with an ingenious crafting system. The raw materials collected throughout the travels can be put together to build different weapons and contraptions to enhance your chances of survival. Even simple things like wood, flint, grass and rope could be put together to craft aces, spears, torches and other useful items. As the game goes, the complexity increases which means players will need to start crafting more sophisticated tools. 
Don’t judge this game by its cover. Its rather comical appearance and lack of serious graphics (this is no Borderlands or Tomb Raider) may make it seem childish at times but in reality, it is far more complex. The system keeps evolving while players are constantly pressed to ensure physical and mental well-being. The steep learning curve can be a challenge but perseverance pays off over time and everything is well worth the effort.
Text by Navam Niles 


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