Game Review: Dishonoured

Jan 16 2013.

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This is a game I’ve been wanting to write about for a long time now. Dishonored is emotionally captivating and despite the dark narrative of the game, players are not condemned to some pre-determined destiny.
The best thing about the game is the amazing sense of free-will and the myriad of choices and game styles available to players. Even more standard elements and characters in the overall plot are exciting and intense thanks to an excellent voice cast and superbly designed in-game environments.
Background (No spoilers ahead) 
Players take on the role of Corvo Attono, a former bodyguard of the empress, who is currently on death row. From the very beginning of the game, players are constantly forced to decide if they wish to embark on a brutal campaign of revenge or a more pacifist role spurred by sympathy.
Throughout the game, unlike most other games, there are seldom revolutionary moments that change the entire thrust of the game, but every action has a small tangible consequence on the overall story arc, which implicitly forces players to adopt a more consistent style and philosophy throughout the game.
Like many other RPG games, strands of an interesting story and exciting dialogue are found throughout the game, and attentive players can use various techniques including spying through keyholes, reading journals or listening to other characters talking, to learn new information. This ability allows for players to uncover exciting elements throughout the game, despite the relative familiarity of the plot itself. 
As mentioned earlier, the game’s designers have done a great job creating an almost dystopian city that is a lot of fun to explore. The city hides a lot of secrets and is currently in the midst of a plague that is running rampant and has already claimed much of the populace.
It looks much like a city in the grips of an industrial age and the technology seems reminiscent of the stuff from BioShock. In addition to the creepy surveillance and police systems, the images of plague-ridden corpses lying around the streets, rats, gas lamps, random violence and other similarly disturbing scenes, enhance the sense of despair and darkness of the overall plot.
Combat and gameplay
Combat is available in two basic flavours : supernatural powers and standard weapons. The former include the ability to teleport short distances, generate short powerful gusts of wind, freeze time or even possess enemies units or animals such as rats or fish. This makes both combat and exploration a lot of fun. Once you become accustomed to the supernatural powers the gaming experience itself becomes a lot more fun and interesting. 
Keep in mind that there is also a variety of standard weapons for dispatching hostiles including a crossbow, pistol and sword, all of which might appeal in various degrees to different types of players.
Those seeking bloodthirsty revenge might enjoy plunging a sword into the heart of an enemy while more creative players might be inclined to summon a swarm of rats to devour foes. However, if you are going to be a pacifist, there is still hope: sleeping darts. Apparently it is possible to finish the entire game without killing anyone but admittedly I never tried. 
Dishonoured is a game that could be played many times and each time could be just as enjoyable as the last. The sheer number of choices and interesting outcomes for different actions helps guarantee a gaming experience that is not all the same as the last one. The game is dark and emotional but is also woven together with a tried-tested plotline and combat system. Thus, every type of player can find something to relate to in this game and the experience promises to be nothing short of thrilling. 
Reviewed by Navam Niles 


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