Tag me @danu - Riding the Wave

Oct 23 2024.

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Sri Lanka’s Epic Ocean Event and Why the Journey to Save Our Seas Has Just Begun!

On October 20th, 2024, Sri Lanka made quite a splash! The big day came and went, but the energy from the Global Ocean Treaty event still ripples through our hearts like the waves lapping against our shores. It was a day filled with excitement, inspiration, and one big, unforgettable octopus! But here’s the thing—while the event may be over, our mission to save the oceans is just getting started.

What’s the Deal with the Global Ocean Treaty?
Imagine a world where 30% of the oceans are protected—no pollution, no overfishing, just happy sea creatures doing their thing. That’s the vision behind the Global Ocean Treaty. This landmark agreement, adopted in 2023, aims to turn the tides on ocean destruction by creating protected areas that let marine life bounce back and thrive.

Sri Lanka, with its incredible coastline and deep ties to the sea, has a key role to play. Our oceans give us so much, from the fish on our plates to the livelihoods of millions of Sri Lankans. So, it’s up to us to push the Sri Lankan government to ratify this treaty and help make ocean protection a reality.

October 20th: A Whale of a Time!
The event? Oh, it was legendary! Picture this: families, ocean lovers, and passionate activists all gathering to raise awareness for the oceans—and a giant octopus mascot stealing the show. The day was packed with fun activities, from ocean-themed games to interactive displays where kids (and adults!) learned about marine conservation in the coolest ways possible.

But the highlight? The incredible people who spoke from the heart about why this treaty matters. Voices from across the country came together to shout (sometimes literally) for ocean protection. And let’s not forget the social media storm—posts, stories, and reels went viral, with everyone rallying behind the cause and signing the petition. It was the kind of event that makes you feel like you’re part of something much bigger than yourself.

Now What? Keep Riding the Wave!
Here’s the deal: the event was just the start. Sure, we had a blast, but protecting our oceans requires more than just one fun day out. The Global Ocean Treaty still needs to be ratified by Sri Lanka and other countries, and that’s where we need to keep the pressure on.

Here are a few ways you can keep the ocean-saving party going:

    1.    Don’t Stop Talking About It!
The conversation around ocean conservation shouldn’t stop now. Keep sharing why the Global Ocean Treaty is so important—whether you’re chatting with your friends over coffee or posting about it online. Let’s make sure everyone knows what’s at stake!

    2.    Share the Petition Like It’s the Hottest Meme in Town!
If you haven’t signed the petition yet, what are you waiting for? Click, sign, and boom—you’ve just helped the oceans. Then share it like crazy. Get your friends, your grandma, your neighbour, your dog’s Instagram page—every one—to sign. It’s a quick and easy way to make a massive impact.

    3.    Be an Everyday Ocean Hero
Want to help the oceans without even leaving your house? Start by reducing single-use plastics, making eco-friendly choices, and opting for sustainable seafood. Small changes in your daily life can make waves (pun intended) when it comes to protecting marine life.

    4.    Keep an Eye Out for More Awesome Events
Did you miss the big day? No worries—there will be more events and campaigns in the future. Whether it’s joining a beach clean-up, attending another awareness rally, or getting involved with a conservation project, there’s always something you can do to support ocean protection.

The Ocean’s Future Is in Our Hands
The event may be over, but the mission continues. We need to keep the momentum going and show our leaders that we won’t rest until Sri Lanka ratifies the Global Ocean Treaty. The oceans are calling for help, and it’s up to all of us to answer.

So, let’s keep riding the wave of change! Whether you’re signing petitions, spreading the word, or just picking up a piece of litter on the beach, every action counts. Together, we can turn the tide and ensure that our oceans stay beautiful, bountiful, and blue for generations to come. Let’s dive in and make a splash!


Danu Innasithamby

Danu is a Jaffna Boy with a Marketing qualification (only because he needed to study, and not because he wanted it). He has been a part of the team for seven years and is the face behind Buzz with Danu, and WTF.


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