Yasas Hewage, a cyclist in Colombo

Oct 03 2012.

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This time on Hobby Diaries, we are proud to feature Yasas Hewage, a cyclist in Colombo and the brains behind Wroom!
What inspired you to start cycling? 
The main influence was the work I've been doing in the environmental space and green marketing, coupled with the fact I've been in and out of a gym for several years. Cycling just happened when I realized it to be one perfect way for fitness while having fun as well. And it contributes to the work I do for the environment. 
Tell us about the WROOM concept and how did it become the brand that it is today in such a short span of time? 
It was a simple idea. The moment I got into cycling I loved everything about it. So it was about getting as many people to enjoy cycling, but it's when we realized the true potential of cycling as a sustainable mode of transportation for Colombo that the movement got a greater focus and purpose.
So we launched the 'Stop Driving' campaign. We are now gathering momentum by each day with many events and initiatives. Today WROOM is  way beyond an individual , but partnered and supported by many.  
Why should Colombo begin to start biking to work? 
Let me give you three simple reasons: 
a) Some of you live such boring and predictable lives and it's time to do something outrageous and spontaneous for a change. 
b) Your city is getting beautified by the day but getting further congested and polluted with over 40,000 new vehicle registrations per month. It is time you do something about it for your own sake and for the next generation. 
c) Build in fitness to your daily routine, so you don't have to hunt for time to work out. An early morning bicycle ride is a perfect start to energize your day. So cycle to work, cycle to pick up your weekend papers or your getting your haircut. Every bit matters. 
For those who say ‘My goodness how can you cycle in Colombo? The people drive like maniacs’. What would you say?  
You are right. Safety is a concern for any pedestrian, cyclist, motorcyclist as well as motorists. It is said that many individuals around the country cycle to work. You have to take the usual precautions of safety (for example, a helmet is a must, you need to be visible predictable, and use clear hand signals). It's not as bad as we think. 
What the most interesting bike ride you have done so far? 
There are several. I've cycled around the country. In Jaffna, Hambantota, Kurunegala, Nuwara Eliya, Dambulla, Singapore to Sydney but the best so far was the Wroom 100 Plus ride we did recently. It was a 111 km ride from Kotte to Kalutara, Magonna where we ended at Hiru Villas with our hearts pounding and legs crying. 
For those who are new to the biking scene, name a couple of places they should visit on their bikes for an experience they’ve never had.  
If you are new the first step is to get the right bike for you so you enjoy the ride. You can visit our website www.wroom.lk to learn how to get it right. There are so many hidden trails in and around Colombo that will make you go ‘Oh my God!’. So get your bike and get in touch with Wroom. We will give you a tip or two on http://www.facebook.com/wroom.cycling
Interviewed by Reihan Stephen 


  1. Lakshmi Attygalle says:

    Yasas your stop driving concept be made more popular among the students the vision your shared with 7 E s of leader ship addressing the Royal College prefects was well received at least in each leafing school it's time to crest cycling to school concept especially wench the country is desperate to find space on roads and parking Lakshmi Attygalle ANC education Colombio Former DP Royal College

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