WHAT'S COOKING - A Housewife's Diary

Aug 02 2012.

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                        WHAT'S  COOKING 
                        A Housewife's Diary


SUNDAY I am indebted to the National Geographic magazine for this marvellous bit of information. Birds have inbuilt in them a wonerful radar system that has baffled men. Year after year, some birds migrate  from colder climates  to warmer climates, taking the very same route  over sea and lands. After they have reared their young, the fly back the same route, sometimes the mileage being in the thousands! Man is still trying to figure out how they do this.
MONDAY  Did you know that rhubarb leaves must never be eaten as they contain a dangerous amount of oxalic acid? And lettuce should not be cut with a knife. It should be torn up by hand.
TUESDAY  I came across this in a magazine and tried it. Soothe a sore throat by combining  4 Tbsp lemon juice, 1 tsp grated fresh ginger and one and a half Tbsp honey in a jug. Add three quarter cup boiling water and let stand for five minutes. Strain mixture into a glass and sip slowly. It really did help.
WEDNESDAY  Raw Ambarella leaves Sambol .You need the tender leaves for this. Pluck the leaves only when you are about to make it. Cut leaves fine, add scraped coconut, cur green chillies, cut red onions, add salt and pepper powder and mix all together.
THURSDAY   Taken from "Direction" magazine. Taking 2 tsps of chopped ginger daily eases joint and muscle pain, swellings and stiffness. ginger's potent compounds called gingerols, prevent the production of pain triggering hormones. For those suffering from Premenstual Syndrome, 2 cups of Yoghurt a day are recommended, since yoghurt is rich in calcium. Chewing on a clove can ease tooth pain and gum inflammation for 2 hours. Cloves contain Eugenol, a natural anasthetic. Sprinkling quarter tsp of  ground cloves on  meals daily can help stabilize blood sugar.
FRIDAY  In continuation of the above, to cure an ear infection, place 2 drops of warm garlic oil  into your aching ear twice daily  for 5 days. To make garlic oil, gently simmer 3 cloves of crushed garlic in half cup of olive oil  for 2 minutes. Strain, use warm on ear. refrigerate remainder and use within 2 weeks.

SATURDAY  "Through humour  you can soften some of the worst blows that life delivers. And once you find laughter,  no matter how painful  your situation might be, you can survive it". Bill Cosby.  


By Therese Motha


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