The Startup Cook – Sautéed Apple
Everyone’s favourite holiday season is coming up, which means you will have plenty of those unannounced guests. Food for these impertinent visitors becomes a serious issue, especially if they are the type to snitch about not being treated well enough.
Thus I have decided to make your life a little easier and share this wonderful recipe with you. All you need is a few ingredients that can usually be found in your kitchen and a little of your precious time. One of the best things about this recipe is that you don’t have to be “behind” it all the time. You can leave it on the stove for it is requisite cooking time and have a quick chat with your company.
Straightforward and luxuriously sweet, this is one of those recipes that definitely need to be pinned on your refrigerator door.
2 apples
½ cup of brown sugar
½ cup of water
2 tbs of butter
2 tsp of cinnamon
2 tsp of corn flour
1 tsp of vanilla essence
Wash, peel, deseed and cut the apples in to pieces.
Place the butter in a small saucepan and place the saucepan over a low flame.
Add the apple in to the saucepan and let it cook in the butter for a few minutes.
Then add the sugar to the apple, stir to coat.
Pour the water in to the sauce pan, add the vanilla and cinnamon to it, stir and let it cook for about twenty minutes.
Once the apples have softened, add the corn flour to it, stir and cook until the syrup has thickened.
Then take it off the heat and serve.
Disasters, Warnings and Tips
Serve with some vanilla ice cream and Pani Cadju. YUM!
If you want to recover from a loss of appetite, this dessert is a helpful remedy.
The last season of Downton Abbey is the worst. Julian Fellows has lost his marbles.
Honestly what is with this torrential rain? I am drenched nearly every day. #notcool
If you don’t want to serve this over ice cream, cut the apples in to larger pieces and serve with some lightly sweetened whipped cream.
Text and photographs by Shazzana Hamid