The Startup Cook – Salted Caramel Sauce
This salted caramel is such a versatile little sauce you can drizzle it over your ice cream, Christmas Pudding and (if you dare) even over a slice of Ginger Bread. Better yet after you have made it you can leave it in the fridge (for a week) and eat it by heating whenever necessary.
Interesting enough this salted caramel recipe belongs to both Nigella Lawson and Rachel Khoo. The measurements are borrowed from the domestic Goddess, while the technique of creating it is from the latter. Of course all this doesn’t matter because it is SO good. It takes the strength of Hercules to not devour the entire thing in one sitting.
5 tbs of butter
3 tbs of golden syrup
½ cup of whipping cream
¼ cup of brown sugar
¼ cup of white sugar
½ - 1 tsp of salt
Put the butter in a small heavy based sauce pan.
Place the saucepan on a medium high flame and let it melt.
Once the butter has melted, scatter the sugar in.
Stirring occasionally ensure that the sugar has dissolved in to the butter.
Then add the golden syrup and stir until the sugar has reached a boiling point.
Slowly and carefully pour in the whipping cream. Then add the salt and stir.
Boil until the sauce becomes thick and smooth.
Take it off the heat and let it cool a little, before eating or pouring in to a jar.
Disasters, Warnings and Tips
It is important that you don’t add the sugar all at once. It will crystallize and lump.
Try not to eat this off the pan. It will burn.
You can have this with a slice of toasted bread. HEAVEN!
I am sad that Downton Abbey is coming to an end.
Add salt according to personal taste.
It was tricky taking pictures for this recipe. I was like Flash. Like Snap-stir! Snap-scatter! Every moment praying that the sugar doesn’t burn or crystalize.
Text and photographs by Shazzana Hamid