Jun 08 2012.
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Exotics are rare plants native to mostly tropical and rain forest regions of the world. Countries with similar climatic and atmospheric conditions may also have similar plants growing as native plants are introduced elsewhere as exotic plants; while other species have been hybridized beyond recognition.
No plant will grow the way you want it to look and thrive without constant hard work and will always require a lot of tender loving care. This includes knowing their natural environment and creating that balance by providing the correct temperature, humidity, light and sometimes the dryness of the atmosphere and above all seeing to it being fed appropriately.
Don’t forget the medium it is grown in. Some like an acid soil while others a sandy or clay soil or even a combination soil rich in soil nutrients. Some may like a damp medium while others are moisture loving and may not like wet feet.
So, to get a good idea of what your exotic plant needs, always research its natural environment and that includes, soil, moisture, humidity and light intensity.
Fortunately for us in Sri Lanka, we are blessed with diverse climatic conditions, needing very little change to create the right environment for most exotics. However, you must be prepared to face challenging disadvantages.
It is easy to create the right environment to grow plants requiring a single type of environment. But when there is a need to provide for individual conditions for a variety of plants, adjusting to their needs can be quite difficult and costly as each species will require different requirements for growth.
Take orchids for example, to a large degree these exotics require an environment similar to where they were found in nature. If an orchid from a warm climate is grown, they will want moisture and good air circulation. Orchids also enjoy a high humidity of around 80 to 90 per cent. Orchids from a high altitude will be difficult to adjust to the lower regions of the tropics.
Keeping disease and pests at bay is also an important factor to consider while ensuring the plants are fed and the soil, moisture level and light intensity they are maintained is according to their requirements.
If space and the resources are not a problem, then consider building a greenhouse with controlled conditions that can be adjusted to suit individual needs. Greenhouse technology has vastly improved allowing gardners to grow a variety of plants for ornamental purposes as well as food crops.
These can even be automated and programmed to provide the necessary environment, moisture and nutrients at the correct time. These are more suited for commercial outlays.
Exotic plants can be quite a challenge to grow and most rewarding to see their unique shapes and vibrantly coloured blooms and foliage come alive. This is a hobby that can result in years of enjoyment. Hobbyists can show off their prize possessions and enter them at plant shows and what can be most rewarding than to bag a coveted trophy.
(By Sylvia Page)