Rocco and Coco

Oct 02 2014.

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Pet's details:

Names: Rocco and Coco (3 years)
Breed: Purebred English Labradors

Owner: Rhonda De Ley

What was the thinking behind naming them?

Rocco: They were bought in Canada where I lived and the mayor of Toronto at the time was Mr Rocco Rossi – hence Rocco was named after the Mayor!

Coco: Was chosen to rhyme with Rocco and in keeping with the personality of the female that Coco was, she was named after the famous Coco Chanel!

Take us through their daily routine.

Their wake up time is 5am (no alarm is needed for me!) as they wake me up. They go out to the garden and when they return they stay with me until I get organised for my day. They are given Royal Canine Pellets around 11am. They are brushed daily and have their evening meal of deboned chicken and vegetables which is left for them by 5pm but they don’t eat till I return home no matter what time it is!

What is their favourite snack?

White Raw Hide Bones from North America.

Do they have a particularly favourite place to sleep and hang out?

If the air conditioner is on, any room in the house will do!  

Do Rocco and Coco like to dress up and do they like being photographed?

They have become great posers for the camera. When my sister in law was doing a shoot, they joined in the shoot! Since then, they think each time the camera flashes it is to take pictures of them!

Have you always been a pet lover?

I have been a pet lover all my life, but it was only in Canada that I had my own home and space to really have the freedom to have pets of my own.

Who was your first pet?

A squirrel named Kunchi!!

What is having a pet like?

I would say for me, it makes the day so much happier and so full of love and joy. Unconditional love is the most amazing quality they have.

What is bath time like for Rocco and Coco?

They love water. I’ve tried many things to satisfy their craving for being in water. Even a blow up baby pool as of late and I take them to the beach. And yes, they absolutely love their bath time!

How do they react when you head out and return home and what is it like for you?  

They have a glum look on their face when I leave home. But not too sad, as they have great company at home, with my nephews, sister –in-law etc., However, they start looking at the gate by 5pm and don’t leave that position until I return home and when get home and when they greet me with such joy and love, it brings tears to my eyes almost every single time.

Could you imagine life without your pets?

I just cannot imagine that.

What is the most precious moment you share with them?  

When I go to bed at night, and when they come up to me and kiss me good night, they know if I’ve had a sad day or a happy day; and if it’s sad they sense it, and they sleep around me. If I’m happy they step down from the bed and sleep on the floor.

By Natasha Fernandopulle


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