How much TV is too much for Kids?

Nov 21 2013.

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How much screen time is too much for Kids?



You have a tough choice, either cajol the child away from the TV or computer screen, or take all meals and conversation to where they’re engrossed. "Screen time" is any time that is spent in front of a screen, such as a TV, computer, or video game player.

We wonder what really is wrong with it, since screen time is sedentary activity, or being inactive while sitting down and very little energy is used during screen time. On the other hand, the substantial amount of time spent I time of a screen can not only impair outdoor activity for kids or teens, but also cause health hazards, recent researches finds.

Most children spend about 3 hours a day watching TV. When you add in other screen time activities, it is closer to 5 - 7 hours a day.

Too much screen time can:

  • Increase a young person’s risk of becoming obese
  • Make it harder for them to get to bed or fall asleep with ease
  • Increase the chance that a young person will develop attention problems, anxiety, and depression

Screen time increases your child’s risk of obesity because sitting and watching a screen is time that is not spent being physically active, particularly in comparison to other physically and mentally productive activities they could be involved in. There’s also the risk of TV commercials and other screen ads can teach children to make less healthy food choices.

Most of the time, the food in ads aimed at kids is high in sugar, salt, or fats. It is not nutritious, experts suggest. Children eat more when they are watching TV, subconsciously or otherwise. Computers can be helpful when kids are using them to do schoolwork. It can be difficult though to judge, what useful PC screen time is and what is not.


Below are some recommended Screen Time Guidelines:

·        Children under age 2 should have no screen time.

·        Limit screen to 1 - 2 hours a day for children over age 2.

·        Videos aimed at very young children do not really improve their development, in spite of what ads that promote them say.


How to Decrease Screen Time?

For some children, reducing screen time to 2 hours a day is said to be difficult because watching TV is part of their daily routine. Efforts to reduce screen time work better when children are able to understand how sedentary activity is affecting their health, and they learn they can do things to get healthier.


Ways to decrease screen time:

  • Remove the television or computer from your child’s bedroom.
  • Do not allow TV watching during meals or homework.
  • Do not let your child eat while watching TV or using the computer.
  • Decide which programs to watch ahead of time, and turn off the TV when the program is over.
  • Suggest other activities, such as a family board game, puzzle, or going for a walk.
  • Keep a record of how much time is spent in front of a screen. Try to spend the same amount of time being active.
  • Lead by example – they learn and watch



Compiled By Nivedha Jeyaseelan


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