Dec 09 2014.
views 1039Goodie Hut: Cinnamon Grand’s domain of seasonal delights
Choices evolve around taste; as such, taste is both a visual and tangible experience. As you enter the dazzling lobby of Cinnamon Grand, your senses succumb to the alluring aroma of all things sweet. A turn to the right will reward you with delight!
For more than two months Pastry Chef Ashoka Rodrigo has been a busy man compiling recipes, monitoring temperatures and perfecting delicate presentations. Displaying a myriad of cakes, marzipans, cookies, chocolates and other yuletideinspired goodies, the Goodie Hut at the Grand could make even Willy Wonkago weak in his knees,given the sheer variety of delicioustreats that are on display. The sweet mince pies contain a mixture of 17 ingredients, held together by imported bees honey, oozing with flavour. The Marzipan counter is reminiscent of a scene from an animated Disney book, with smiling santas, beautiful angels, snuggly snowmen and precious puppies displayed.
At the focal point of the Goodie Hut stands a solitary sweet sentinel, a 4.5 foot tree of truffles, enticing guests in four flavours of amaretto, coffee, mint and grand marnier. The walnut flavouredyule log is a must have at Christmas family reunion. The trademarkbreudher continues to retain its traditional appeal to a new generation. There are also 22 varieties of cookies to choose from, with flavours ranging frompistachio, cinnamon mocha, chocolate chip to Nutella among others.
Honey Florentines, rich cakes and pralines are part of the extensive list of treats available at Goodie Hut. It is commonly believed that good things come in little boxes. Yet, greater things come in cane baskets. The Christmas hampers at the Goodie Hut are real value for money. Customers can fill up their cane baskets with an assortment of all sweet delicacies at the Hut.
A Roast counter takes pride of place serving traditional roast turkey generously stuffed with bacon and onion. Honey glazed ham on a bed of pineapple sauce, roast leg of lamb enriched with a herb red wine sauce, roast duck encrusted in orange sauce are all part of the offering. Wise people contemplate their calories. Wiser people indulge.
The uncontested venue for royal regalement is Cinnamon Grand. As the season unfolds, this is one place that should certainly be on your must-visit places, if you want to treat yourself or loved ones to an indulgent yuletide.