70's Show

Dec 28 2012.

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Gold FM is constantly on a mission to prove that old is undoubtedly gold. The 70’s show, one of Sri Lanka’s largest oldies musical events, is a corner stone of this endeavour and has become an annual staple for all the oldies fans out there. It’s a chance to re-live memories, get together with family and jam for some classics that never seem to age with time.
This year’s 70’s show was held on the 22nd of December at the Taj Samudra and the atmosphere was full of liveliness and vigour which was emanating from the rather senior audience members of the show. I must confess that I haven’t seen that much of enthusiasm and energy from an audience in quite some time.
It almost felt like I’d been transported back to a concert in the 70’s, surrounded by fanatical groupies and roadies with nothing but utter passion for the music. 
Even before the show began the queue at the entrance was MASSIVE. Defying the pouring rain, fans with nothing but undying devotion lined up to get a chance to witness some of their favourite music performed live, by some of their favourite performers.
As Mr and Mrs Wisidabagama put it “We are really looking forward to the concert. It’s going to be an excellent show. It’s raining but getting wet is worth the price of all the memories the music will bring back!” I’m absolutely positive the show did not disappoint such ardent fans. How could it? With performances by Sam the man, Misty, C & C (with guest performances by Ricky Bahar and Clifford Richards), Ano Dominae, Coreen and Kevin Almeida, Judy De Silva along with guest performances by Monique and Sohan, It was a line-up that guaranteed to deliver and it certainly did so. 
As the night progressed I had an opportunity to speak to the two charming hosts of the evening, Gold FM DJ’s Keiko and Kirk. When I asked them about what the reception from their audience was like so far, Keiko laughed pointing to the audience “See for yourself! It’s absolutely awesome!!” And it certainly was. As I glanced at the audience I could see everyone jamming to the music with wide smiles and a look of absolute nostalgia strewn across their face.
As Kirk pointed out “This is the largest crowd we’ve gotten. It’s definitely more than last year….I’d say more than 1500 people here tonight!” When I asked them about what draws such a large crowd to a concert like this, they answered “It’s definitely the oldies music. It brings back so many memories and most of it is so feel good that it always manages to put you in a good mood!”
They were undeniably correct as I soon found out first hand while interviewing the ecstatic audience members. My first target was a table which comprised of two generations of family members. Among them, Shyamani and Prashanthi explained to me about why they were enjoying themselves so much “It’s all about the familiarity and the memories, because we grew up with this music. It’s a lot of fun to see them perform these songs we know so well, live on stage!” 
There is obviously something in the music that commands such a devoted audience as well. I sat down with guest performer Monique to try and understand what’s behind the music of some of the greatest hits. “There is a certain amount of simplicity in the music and it doesn’t complicate things. There is beauty in that simplicity” I also wanted to know why as a musician, she enjoys performing oldies music.
According to her: “Retro music takes you back in time. Brings back a lot of memories of my parents and what it was like growing up. Also the vocals are very challenging…if you listen to music by say Whitney Houston or the Carpenters; their vocal ranges are just out there. I guess it’s all those reasons that draw me to performing this kind of music” 
One absolutely important aspect that I need to report on was that the audience had quite a few younger members. More than you would expect. Most of them were fans of the music, like young couple Mona and Farrell: “We grew up on this music and it’s great for Karaoke. Everyone can sing along to the oldies. Don’t forget the disco, the colours, and the dancing.
All of that is what makes oldies music so great!” There was of course a portion of the younger audience members like Harshi and Manisha who according to them “(We) were dragged here by our parents, but I guess we are enjoying the music! We don’t want to diss the old music because it’s actually pretty good” it was clear that whether you are young or old, there is still a certain level of reverence and respect that the oldies command. 
I also had an interesting chat with Hana Hettiaratchi and her mother Dana Sklenarova who were from the Czech Republic. Hana is married to a Sri Lankan and lives mostly here, while her mother visits regularly. According to Hana “The show is good, it’s the music from the younger age of my mom and it’s nice to enjoy that kind of music.”
Translating my questions for her mother, she replied that “I visit Sri Lanka periodically and I’ve noticed a great change. Now it’s more culturally alive and colourful than it’s been before and shows like this add to that vibrancy.” It’s nice to hear that kind of feedback about our country. Colombo itself has turned into a living and breathing entity with a life of its own and it’s definitely shows like this that keeps the city vibrant and alive. 
That’s not the only thing the 70’s show keeps alive and kicking. I realized that the vigour and liveliness that the audience showed despite their old age was a result of the music. As Maurien Vandort and Evangeline David pointed out “We are Gold FM fans! We have the Gold FM craze and listen to every show on the radio. It just keeps us alive. We have the radio on in the kitchen, bed room and even when we are travelling! The music keeps us going!”
Maurein also added “Im 56 and the music is what helps me keep the home lively as a mother. Oldies are the best, the best music and the best meanings to the songs you could find. Whenever you are down or sad they can uplift you”  
Perhaps the answer to everlasting life or at least a better quality of life in general is good music. Seeing these unapologetic senior citizens who were enjoying themselves with levels of vitality and energy like nothing I’ve seen before made me realize how important music is to us.
Kudos to Gold FM for pulling off such a wonderful show for their fans and for contributing to making Colombo the vibrant city it has become today.
By Maleen Jayasuriya
Pics by Samantha Perera


  1. Renuka says:

    Gold FM management should have had the sense to erect a tent. Luckily it didnt rain all the time, but what if it rained.

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